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Start of Lab 3.2 - Confused on getting a new session using the VMWare version

Sorry another dumb question. How do I do this:
Open another terminal and connect into a your second node. Install Docker and Kubernetes software. These are the
many, but not all, of the steps we did on the master node.
This book will use the lfs458-worker prompt for the node being added to help keep track of the proper node for each
command. Note that the prompt indicates both the user and system upon which run the command.

I open another terminal window within the VMWare? Thank you.


  • chrispokorni
    chrispokorni Posts: 2,278

    Since you are working locally on VMware machines, this means that you start your second Ubuntu 16 VM, and on the second VM (your worker node), in a terminal, you will perform all the steps prefixed with lfs458-worker.

  • prenticect
    prenticect Posts: 21

    OK, that is what I was thinking, I was very unsure so thank you for that clarification. And now very excited as this is getting fun :)


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