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LFS211 exam

Hello Friends,

Can you please give me a rough idea how much preparation time is generally needed for clearing LFS211 exam? I have some experiencing in using Linux but not very expert. Also, Please clarify whether the material provided in Linux Foundation is sufficient for passing the exam



  • coop
    coop Posts: 915

    Well, the expectation is 30-40 hours I believe of time to go through the course. However, that is an end point and a focus, not all. You should not be attempting LFCE (which follows after LFS211) unless you have taken the equivalent of LFS201 and its pre-requisite or equivalent (LFS101x at edx.org, which is free), which are roughly what you need to take LFCS, the lower level exam. In addition you are expected to study further than the course itself, both on your system using man pages and experiments you think of, and a wider search on things you don't quite understand.

    Students who start at LFS211 without the needed previous knowledge get stumped in the course itself, so by now you should know where you stand with this. This is not the beginners course.

    I hope this helps.


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