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Unable to Launch the lab environment

I'm unable to launch the lab environment , even after authenticating with gmail id , it keeps popping up the "Enter Email Id screen )again and again Please find the attached snap short


  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,232

    Have you followed course instructions and completed the Google Form to gain access to the lab environment? It usually takes up to a business day to gain access.

  • Good morning. I have the same issue. I was able to start the lab environment on August, 31st. This was the last time
    I was logged in. Now I get the same behavior, being asked over and over to enter the email. Sometimes in between
    I get the captcha, but not always and even after captcha I get again back to the validation frame.

  • fcioanca
    fcioanca Posts: 2,232

    @eddelsi We migrated to a new lab environment on Sept 6, and there is a new process to get access to the lab environment. Have you completed the Google Form to gain access to the lab environment?

  • Hi fcioanca. Yes... I did it today and after some time I was able to get the lab environment working.
    Maybe it makes sense to add this small but "very important" (new process since 6th of Sep. )piece of information to the existing note. This would avoid this kind of confusion.

    Regards! E.S.


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