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Error while starting web-ui during lab 13

I am getting below error while starting web-ui during lab 13
pushed the app with --no-start
created cups
completed binding
then try to start the app web-ui

cf start web-ui
Starting app web-ui in org philips_test / space test as shashi.prakash.singh@philips.com...

Staging app and tracing logs...
Cell e5f61515-c164-4c36-9686-faa2a0a363ed creating container for instance 01ecb4d8-0e19-4e9e-bfb3-e9e53122708f
Cell e5f61515-c164-4c36-9686-faa2a0a363ed successfully created container for instance 01ecb4d8-0e19-4e9e-bfb3-e9e53122708f
Downloading app package...
Downloaded app package (14.5K)
-------> Buildpack version 1.6.35
-----> Compiling Ruby/NoLockfile
! Gemfile.lock required. Please check it in.
Failed to compile droplet: Failed to compile droplet: exit status 1
Exit status 223
Cell e5f61515-c164-4c36-9686-faa2a0a363ed stopping instance 01ecb4d8-0e19-4e9e-bfb3-e9e53122708f
Cell e5f61515-c164-4c36-9686-faa2a0a363ed destroying container for instance 01ecb4d8-0e19-4e9e-bfb3-e9e53122708f
Cell e5f61515-c164-4c36-9686-faa2a0a363ed successfully destroyed container for instance 01ecb4d8-0e19-4e9e-bfb3-e9e53122708f
Error staging application: App staging failed in the buildpack compile phase


  • It appears there was an issue on the push. Please be sure you 1) change to the unzipped root directory for the ruby app before pushing and 2) push using the supplied manifest.

  • Thanks, it is working now.


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