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Lab2 - Step 1 E failure to create Service Instance

Lab2 - Step 1 E failure to create Service Instance

I see the following error, even after following the workaround to restart MSO etc and redistributing service.

MSO failure - see log below for details

"requestId": "3ca05672-1f22-445a-b2a8-774f5a7c830c",
"requestType": "createInstance",
"timestamp": undefined,
"requestState": "FAILED",
"requestStatus": "SVC3001Resource not found for %1 using id %2 (msg=%3) (ec=%4)PUTbusiness/customers/customer/Demonstration/service-subscriptions/service-subscription/vFWCL/service-instances/service-instance/9368f124-1966-4e86-8ded-39657d2d98d2Node Not Found:object located at service-design-and-creation/models/model/c3af628c-e9e5-4265-9f00-74ae81c3d339/model-vers/model-ver/19b9b95e-48b0-41d0-90be-2c334a072343#model-version not foundERR.5.4.6114",
"precentProgress": "100"

08/15/18 20:32:08 HTTP Status: Accepted (202)
"requestReferences": {
"instanceId": "9368f124-1966-4e86-8ded-39657d2d98d2",
"requestId": "3ca05672-1f22-445a-b2a8-774f5a7c830c"

Any further suggestions to resolve this?


  • akapadia
    akapadia Posts: 24

    How many times did you apply the workaround? Sometimes it takes a couple of times.

  • jnavali
    jnavali Posts: 12

    I tried it twice exactly but the error repeated both times.

  • akapadia
    akapadia Posts: 24

    It seems like SDC model version is not accessible to MSO for some reason. Please check, whether you have inadvertently deleted a specific version of objects in SDC?

    Here are some suggestions:

    Workaround - 1

    1) Execute the MSO workaround script

     (13. Bounce the model-loader-service, onap-mso & sdnc-portal service. This is required to provision the HEAT templates in VID portal )
        cd /home/aarna/onap_scripts
     Wait for all service to transition to running state

    2) Execute robot_init

    3) Redistribute the service from SDC

    Select the monitor button to verify whether the
    distribution events reached MSO component.

    4) Then deploy the service from VID

    Workaround - 2

    1) Execute the MSO workaround script

     ( 13. Bounce the model-loader-service, onap-mso & sdnc-portal service. This is required to provision the HEAT templates in VID portal )
        cd /home/aarna/onap_scripts
     Wait for all service to transition to running state

    2) Create a new service design in SDC and distribute the service

    Select the monitor button to verify whether the
    distribution events reached MSO component.

    3) Deploy the service in VID

    Workaround - 3

    Kill the VM and redeploy ONAP


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