Lab2, VNC connection keeps dropping
After successfully completing Lab1 and having all the environment set, i moved to Lab2 but keep facing the same issue again: when trying to make the onboarding in the ONAP portal (SDC), the VNC connection suddenly drops and logging in again is not possible anymore.
I checked the status with
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -a
and can see the the onap-portal related names are all in status "Running", so OK. Then I checked
docker ps | grep vnc
and noticed that it is "unhealthy". I deleted the corresponding pod (e.g. kubectl delete pod -n onap-portal vnc-portal-1252894321-vgt8b) and it is automatically recreated again and VNC works for a while again. But it keeps crashing.
Any help you could give me to make sure i have a stable VNC connection? Since this trouble shooting takes a lot of time I have to eventually kill the complete instance (in order not to incur too many costs in google cloud) and start the deployment from scratch again, which is really annoying.
thanks in advance for your help!
We have never faced this issue before. We have two options:
A) Redeploy from scratch -- Amsterdam release had stability issues, so sometimes this is required
Debug it, in which case, could you pls. send outputs of the following:
1) kubectl describe pods -n onap <vnc-portal-XXX>2) kubectl logs -n onap <vnc-portal-XXX>Thanks,
0 -
I see this same issue happen frequently.
I was able to get around by killing the vnc-portal pod and let it restart.
But each time need to copy the vFW zip files fresh and so this was cumbersome.Some logs below when this happened ---
aarna@ubuntu:~$ kubectl describe pods -n onap-portal vnc-portal-1252894321-dw8p5
Name: vnc-portal-1252894321-dw8p5
Namespace: onap-portal
Node: ubuntu/
Start Time: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:36 +0000
Labels: app=vnc-portal
Status: Running
Created By: ReplicaSet/vnc-portal-1252894321
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/vnc-portal-1252894321
Init Containers:
Container ID: docker://b5610f8a8961ed2c672932af9de9a97d83c0c29ac77b6405f3d6686f6ccd0672
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a2
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:40 +0000
Finished: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:41 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-portal (v1:metadata.namespace)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-d69q4 (ro)
Container ID: docker://3788d71dbfdbaf2db8aff2a0cdc4e81e4bd8a2c53b15384049bf1ac0064dca26
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a25ecb
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:44 +0000
Finished: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:45 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-policy
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-d69q4 (ro)
Container ID: docker://832f9540f67cc06df1b31ae2002ccf5a03f06dfc387da77ee03807117ead985f
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a25ecb
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:48 +0000
Finished: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:49 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-sdc
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-d69q4 (ro)
Container ID: docker://35a8bf5eb464f175c7800e6fa3f27a3193423125cbdd2535489b35082e84a315
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a25ecb
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:51 +0000
Finished: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:51 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-vid
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-d69q4 (ro)
Container ID: docker://d5d88f68bc540827fa1ec9ae2e380814a0504603becfc94555836c478141b12f
Image: oomk8s/ubuntu-init:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/ubuntu-init@sha256:3adf3d21ad3b402690f2dda268e97999fe1822d07b27e1bd2b8acc3d1a771d95
echohost sdc-be.onap-sdc | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost portalapps.onap-portal | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost pap.onap-policy | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost sdc-fe.onap-sdc | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost vid-server.onap-vid | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost sparky-be.onap-aai | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost cli.onap-cli | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:55 +0000
Finished: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:55 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
/ubuntu-init/ from ubuntu-init (rw)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-d69q4 (ro)
Container ID: docker://8f9fd368b5639c7f729df446ec5e7f021ba5e731a8acba21e3dbaf136b0f8936
Image: dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc
Image ID: docker-pullable://dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc@sha256:f5c6f9a1cae95d176d6957907a0c51640e5390cdee73def315a4ac7c2e26a733
State: Running
Started: Wed, 15 Aug 2018 14:20:59 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
VNC_PASSWORD: password
/etc/localtime from localtime (ro)
/root/.init_profile/profiles.ini from vnc-profiles-ini (rw)
/ubuntu-init/ from ubuntu-init (rw)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-d69q4 (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
PodScheduled True
Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume)
Path: /etc/localtime
Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
Name: vnc-profiles-ini
Optional: false
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-d69q4
Optional: false
QoS Class: BestEffort
Tolerations: for 300s for 300s
Events:0 -
aarna@ubuntu:~$ kubectl logs -n onap-portal vnc-portal-1252894321-dw8p5
stored passwd in file: /.password2
2018-08-15 14:21:00,030 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-08-15 14:21:00,031 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing
2018-08-15 14:21:00,044 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-08-15 14:21:00,044 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-08-15 14:21:00,044 INFO supervisord started with pid 21
2018-08-15 14:21:01,047 INFO spawned: 'nginx' with pid 36
2018-08-15 14:21:01,050 INFO spawned: 'web' with pid 37
2018-08-15 14:21:01,053 INFO spawned: 'novnc' with pid 38
2018-08-15 14:21:01,055 INFO spawned: 'wm' with pid 39
2018-08-15 14:21:01,058 INFO spawned: 'pcmanfm' with pid 40
2018-08-15 14:21:01,060 INFO spawned: 'lxpanel' with pid 42
2018-08-15 14:21:01,063 INFO spawned: 'xvfb' with pid 43
2018-08-15 14:21:01,066 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 45
2018-08-15 14:21:01,086 INFO exited: x11vnc (exit status 1; not expected)
2018-08-15 14:21:01,279 INFO Listening on http://localhost:6079 (
2018-08-15 14:21:02,105 INFO success: nginx entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:21:02,105 INFO success: web entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:21:02,105 INFO success: novnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:21:02,105 INFO success: wm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:21:02,105 INFO success: pcmanfm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:21:02,105 INFO success: lxpanel entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:21:02,105 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:21:02,107 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 95
2018-08-15 14:21:03,171 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) - - [2018-08-15 14:21:30] "GET /api/health HTTP/1.0" 200 141 0.195426 - - [2018-08-15 14:22:00] "GET /api/health HTTP/1.0" 200 141 0.176478 - - [2018-08-15 14:22:30] "GET /api/health HTTP/1.0" 200 141 0.205411sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property.
sending remote command: "qry=dpy_x,dpy_y" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property. - - [2018-08-15 14:22:46] "GET /api/state?video=false&id=-1&w=1004&h=579 HTTP/1.0" 200 301 0.463919
2018-08-15 14:22:46,796 INFO waiting for xvfb to stop
2018-08-15 14:22:46,796 INFO waiting for wm to stop
2018-08-15 14:22:46,796 INFO waiting for pcmanfm to stop
2018-08-15 14:22:46,797 INFO waiting for lxpanel to stop
2018-08-15 14:22:46,797 INFO waiting for x11vnc to stop
2018-08-15 14:22:46,797 INFO waiting for novnc to stop
2018-08-15 14:22:46,799 INFO stopped: novnc (exit status 143)
2018-08-15 14:22:46,811 INFO stopped: x11vnc (exit status 2)
2018-08-15 14:22:46,817 INFO stopped: lxpanel (terminated by SIGTERM)
2018-08-15 14:22:46,822 INFO stopped: xvfb (terminated by SIGKILL)
2018-08-15 14:22:46,826 INFO stopped: wm (exit status 1)
2018-08-15 14:22:46,842 INFO stopped: pcmanfm (exit status 1)
2018-08-15 14:22:47,853 INFO spawned: 'xvfb' with pid 129
2018-08-15 14:22:47,856 INFO spawned: 'wm' with pid 130
2018-08-15 14:22:47,858 INFO spawned: 'pcmanfm' with pid 131
2018-08-15 14:22:47,861 INFO spawned: 'lxpanel' with pid 132
2018-08-15 14:22:47,864 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 133
2018-08-15 14:22:47,867 INFO spawned: 'novnc' with pid 134
2018-08-15 14:22:48,908 INFO success: novnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:22:48,908 INFO success: wm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:22:48,909 INFO success: pcmanfm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:22:48,909 INFO success: lxpanel entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:22:48,909 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-08-15 14:22:48,909 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
x:xvfb: stopped
x:wm: stopped
x:pcmanfm: stopped
x:lxpanel: stopped
x:x11vnc: stopped
x:novnc: stopped
x:xvfb: started
x:wm: started
x:pcmanfm: started
x:lxpanel: started
x:x11vnc: started
x:novnc: started - - [2018-08-15 14:22:49] "GET /api/reset?video=false&id=-1&w=1004&h=579 HTTP/1.0" 200 145 2.516023sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property.
sending remote command: "qry=dpy_x,dpy_y" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property. - - [2018-08-15 14:22:50] "GET /api/state?video=false&id=1&w=1004&h=579 HTTP/1.0" 200 301 0.794495
sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property. - - [2018-08-15 14:22:52] "GET /api/state?video=false&id=4&w=1004&h=579 HTTP/1.0" 200 301 0.247857 - - [2018-08-15 14:23:00] "GET /api/health HTTP/1.0" 200 141 0.170622sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property. - - [2018-08-15 14:23:24] "GET /api/state?video=false&id=5&w=1004&h=579 HTTP/1.0" 200 301 30.289092 - - [2018-08-15 14:23:31] "GET /api/health HTTP/1.0" 200 141 0.173056sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property.
0 -
Thanks jnavali for providing the logs and for pointing to the additional effort to copy the .zip files after a new VNC is created, this costs time
0 -
I am facing this same issue. VNC connection is UP only for a couple of minutes and lost everytime I delete the container and it restarts.
Is any resolution found for this issue?
0 -
aarna@ubuntu:~$ docker ps | grep vnc
4202e0c7cb05 dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc@sha256:25644c1867dcda03a656aeaa2d598ba76157d1141b94d0f08c8b1b990f0f2c64 "/" About a minute ago Up About a minute (healthy) k8s_vnc-portal_vnc-portal-1252894321-3fd2g_onap-portal_0296da92-c0ef-11e8-bc81-02ab35370126_0
2484781cec86 "/pause" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes k8s_POD_vnc-portal-1252894321-3fd2g_onap-portal_0296da92-c0ef-11e8-bc81-02ab35370126_0
aarna@ubuntu:~$ docker ps | grep vnc
4202e0c7cb05 dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc@sha256:25644c1867dcda03a656aeaa2d598ba76157d1141b94d0f08c8b1b990f0f2c64 "/" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes (unhealthy) k8s_vnc-portal_vnc-portal-1252894321-3fd2g_onap-portal_0296da92-c0ef-11e8-bc81-02ab35370126_0
2484781cec86 "/pause" 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes k8s_POD_vnc-portal-1252894321-3fd2g_onap-portal_0296da92-c0ef-11e8-bc81-02ab35370126_00 -
See my post from 8/14 above.
0 -
The thing is I have exhausted the Google Cloud free tier Quota since the onap VM was running for 4-5 days while I was performing the troubleshooting. So now I am unable to login and provide you the kubectl logs. I am hoping since this issue is faced by more than one guy, you guys should actively look into it. Also the other person has provided the relevant logs.
0 -
The engineering team is looking into this more. It's an ONAP issue, we will see if there is a solution.
0 -
@sharangn please try this workaround and let us know if it solves the problem.
# JUST SIMPLY DELETE AND REDEPLOY ALL SDC CONTAINERS AGAIN ONAP_OC=/home/aarna/ONAP_Kubernetes/oom/kubernetes/oneclick/ cd $ONAP_OC source ./setenv.bash # DELETE ALL SDC CONTAINERS ./deleteAll.bash -n onap -a sdc # CREATE ALL SDC CONTAINERS again ./createAll.bash -n onap -a sdc # WAIT FOR ALL SDC CONTAINTES TO COME UP
ONAP_OC=/home/aarna/ONAP_Kubernetes/oom/kubernetes/oneclick/ cd $ONAP_OC source ./setenv.bash # DELETE ALL PORTAL CONTAINERS ./deleteAll.bash -n onap -a portal # CREATE ALL PORTAL CONTAINERS ./createAll.bash -n onap -a portal # WAIT FOR ALL PORTAL CONTAINERS TO COMEUP
0 -
I tried the workaround as suggested and it worked temporarily for about 30 minutes. Same issue after that. I have captured the logs as required. Please let me know if anything else required from my end.
aarna@ubuntu:~/ONAP_Kubernetes/oom/kubernetes/robot$ kubectl describe pods -n onap-portal vnc-portal-1252894321-r294c
Name: vnc-portal-1252894321-r294c
Namespace: onap-portal
Node: ubuntu/
Start Time: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:18 +0000
Labels: app=vnc-portal
Status: Running
Created By: ReplicaSet/vnc-portal-1252894321
Controlled By: ReplicaSet/vnc-portal-1252894321
Init Containers:
Container ID: docker://a330440d32cb4877fdeb18b3ecb4b215f0bc005ce4465d78361d6254967f467c
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a25ecb
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:22 +0000
Finished: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:52 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-portal (v1:metadata.namespace)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-dbgh0 (ro)
Container ID: docker://a32f8e42a5d74c50976ab6a8e783d1150143493f05be384e28ffac3f6d376d7f
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a25ecb
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:54 +0000
Finished: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:55 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-policy
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-dbgh0 (ro)
Container ID: docker://0bf2fcbb5d31b30c0ef4974ebd375c608f35e361a0366f0afec186d364f4e636
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a25ecb
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:57 +0000
Finished: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:58 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-sdc
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-dbgh0 (ro)
Container ID: docker://68468a6041736636ca07fa1e90a5377709bec0867aed93091d2d624d144b5264
Image: oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/readiness-check@sha256:ab8a4a13e39535d67f110a618312bb2971b9a291c99392ef91415743b6a25ecb
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:35:59 +0000
Finished: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:36:00 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
NAMESPACE: onap-vid
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-dbgh0 (ro)
Container ID: docker://4b2cc92b00adfa042b72ed216430e10cd914c939ab5c0a71af7bf901e911d57d
Image: oomk8s/ubuntu-init:1.0.0
Image ID: docker-pullable://oomk8s/ubuntu-init@sha256:3adf3d21ad3b402690f2dda268e97999fe1822d07b27e1bd2b8acc3d1a771d95
echohost sdc-be.onap-sdc | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost portalapps.onap-portal | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost pap.onap-policy | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost sdc-fe.onap-sdc | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost vid-server.onap-vid | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost sparky-be.onap-aai | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts; echohost cli.onap-cli | awk '{print$4}' >> /ubuntu-init/hosts
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:36:02 +0000
Finished: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:36:02 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
/ubuntu-init/ from ubuntu-init (rw)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-dbgh0 (ro)
Container ID: docker://332f9f1897d44472f623ca418f00485a2fbe0d726e11a5468c0023a55c38d459
Image: dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc
Image ID: docker-pullable://dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc@sha256:25644c1867dcda03a656aeaa2d598ba76157d1141b94d0f08c8b1b990f0f2c64
State: Running
Started: Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:36:03 +0000
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
VNC_PASSWORD: password
/etc/localtime from localtime (ro)
/root/.init_profile/profiles.ini from vnc-profiles-ini (rw)
/ubuntu-init/ from ubuntu-init (rw)
/var/run/secrets/ from default-token-dbgh0 (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
PodScheduled True
Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume)
Path: /etc/localtime
Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
Name: vnc-profiles-ini
Optional: false
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: default-token-dbgh0
Optional: false0 -
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-vid-readiness} Normal Pulling pulling image "oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0"
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-vid-readiness} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "oomk8s/readiness-check:1.0.0"
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-vid-readiness} Normal Created Created container
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-vid-readiness} Normal Started Started container
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-init-hosts} Normal Pulling pulling image "oomk8s/ubuntu-init:1.0.0"
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-init-hosts} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "oomk8s/ubuntu-init:1.0.0"
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-init-hosts} Normal Created Created container
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.initContainers{vnc-init-hosts} Normal Started Started container
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.containers{vnc-portal} Normal Pulling pulling image "dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc"
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.containers{vnc-portal} Normal Pulled Successfully pulled image "dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc"
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.containers{vnc-portal} Normal Created Created container
37m 37m 1 kubelet, ubuntu spec.containers{vnc-portal} Normal Started Started container
aarna@ubuntu:~/ONAP_Kubernetes/oom/kubernetes/robot$aarna@ubuntu:~/ONAP_Kubernetes/oom/kubernetes/robot$ kubectl logs -n onap vnc-portal-1252894321-r294c
Error from server (NotFound): pods "vnc-portal-1252894321-r294c" not found
aarna@ubuntu:~/ONAP_Kubernetes/oom/kubernetes/robot$ kubectl logs -n onap-portal vnc-portal-1252894321-r294c
stored passwd in file: /.password2
2018-10-08 18:36:04,053 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
2018-10-08 18:36:04,053 WARN Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing
2018-10-08 18:36:04,065 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2018-10-08 18:36:04,066 CRIT Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking
2018-10-08 18:36:04,066 INFO supervisord started with pid 19
2018-10-08 18:36:05,069 INFO spawned: 'nginx' with pid 33
2018-10-08 18:36:05,072 INFO spawned: 'web' with pid 34
2018-10-08 18:36:05,074 INFO spawned: 'novnc' with pid 35
2018-10-08 18:36:05,077 INFO spawned: 'wm' with pid 36
2018-10-08 18:36:05,079 INFO spawned: 'pcmanfm' with pid 37
2018-10-08 18:36:05,082 INFO spawned: 'lxpanel' with pid 39
2018-10-08 18:36:05,084 INFO spawned: 'xvfb' with pid 41
2018-10-08 18:36:05,086 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 45
2018-10-08 18:36:05,293 INFO Listening on http://localhost:6079 (
2018-10-08 18:36:06,126 INFO success: nginx entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:36:06,126 INFO success: web entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:36:06,126 INFO success: novnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:36:06,126 INFO success: wm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:36:06,127 INFO success: pcmanfm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:36:06,127 INFO success: lxpanel entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:36:06,127 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:36:06,127 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs) - - [2018-10-08 18:36:34] "GET /api/health HTTP/1.1" 200 122 0.175875sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property.
sending remote command: "qry=dpy_x,dpy_y" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property. - - [2018-10-08 18:37:00] "GET /api/state?video=false&id=-1&w=1920&h=966 HTTP/1.0" 200 301 0.292369
2018-10-08 18:37:00,548 INFO stopped: x11vnc (exit status 2)
2018-10-08 18:37:00,549 INFO waiting for xvfb to stop
2018-10-08 18:37:00,549 INFO waiting for wm to stop
2018-10-08 18:37:00,549 INFO waiting for pcmanfm to stop
2018-10-08 18:37:00,549 INFO waiting for lxpanel to stop
2018-10-08 18:37:00,549 INFO waiting for novnc to stop
2018-10-08 18:37:00,552 INFO stopped: lxpanel (terminated by SIGTERM)
2018-10-08 18:37:00,553 INFO stopped: novnc (exit status 143)
2018-10-08 18:37:00,553 INFO stopped: xvfb (terminated by SIGKILL)
2018-10-08 18:37:00,554 INFO stopped: wm (exit status 1)
2018-10-08 18:37:01,558 INFO stopped: pcmanfm (exit status 1)
2018-10-08 18:37:01,565 INFO spawned: 'xvfb' with pid 107
2018-10-08 18:37:01,567 INFO spawned: 'wm' with pid 108
2018-10-08 18:37:01,570 INFO spawned: 'pcmanfm' with pid 109
2018-10-08 18:37:01,573 INFO spawned: 'lxpanel' with pid 110
2018-10-08 18:37:01,577 INFO spawned: 'x11vnc' with pid 111
2018-10-08 18:37:01,581 INFO spawned: 'novnc' with pid 112
2018-10-08 18:37:02,623 INFO success: novnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:37:02,623 INFO success: wm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:37:02,624 INFO success: pcmanfm entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:37:02,624 INFO success: lxpanel entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:37:02,624 INFO success: xvfb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2018-10-08 18:37:02,624 INFO success: x11vnc entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
x:x11vnc: stopped
x:xvfb: stopped
x:wm: stopped
x:pcmanfm: stopped
x:lxpanel: stopped
x:novnc: stopped
x:xvfb: started
x:wm: started
x:pcmanfm: started
x:lxpanel: started
x:x11vnc: started
x:novnc: started - - [2018-10-08 18:37:02] "GET /api/reset?video=false&id=-1&w=1920&h=966 HTTP/1.0" 200 145 2.445096sending remote command: "cmd=fb" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property.
sending remote command: "qry=dpy_x,dpy_y" via X11VNC_REMOTE X property. - - [2018-10-08 18:37:04] "GET /api/state?video=false&id=1&w=1920&h=966 HTTP/1.0" 200 301 0.263159 - - [2018-10-08 18:37:04] "GET /api/health HTTP/1.1" 200 122 0.1799250 -
We recommend the workaround to recover from the VNC crash (already mentioned by Amar earlier).
# SSH into ONAPVM and do the following
source ./setenv.bash# DELETE ALL PORTAL CONTAINERS ./deleteAll.bash -n onap -a portal # CREATE ALL PORTAL CONTAINERS ./createAll.bash -n onap -a portal # WAIT FOR ALL PORTAL CONTAINERS TO COME UP kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep portal
We decided not to spend time on resolving this, since this is a non-issue in Beijing release (which does not use VNC any more).
We (at Aarna) have the Beijing based images ready on Google cloud, and we would like to invite anyone interested in Beta testing these images. Please let us know, and we will provide access to them.
0 -
Is there an updated Lab guide based on the workflows in Beijing (if they have changed)?
Jay0 -
Yes its in beta. Let me contact you directly.
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