Bootable DVD and Switchign to Linux Help
I am really getting tired of Microsofts BS, especially how I supposedly can't use my disk space as I please because Windows is a diva. SO I am looking to switching completely to Linux in the long term. But for now I just want to know the details on making one of those bootable Linux disks for recovery in case of problems, where I can boot from it and it runs like it was installed. What do I download and how do I burn it? And would an install DVD be different then?
Also some questions to get some general sense of Linux. I get that it's an Open Source free OS but I see there are all sorts of customized versions and so on. It looks like a game mod type situation. So is there some kind of core version or some "best overall" kind of feel to look for? Any way or sources that rates these things?
Some links and help with this would be much appreciated, I want to get started on a disk tomorrow.
I had the same trouble when I looked into using a Linux distro. I now dual boot with Windows 8.1 64 bit and a Linux distro called Zorin 9 Ultimate LTS 64bit. Zorin is based on Ubuntu but has the ability of mimicking Windows and Mac with the start button etc, the reason I chose Zorin was that I felt comfortable with it as had only use Microsoft operating systems before and it is a easier transfer to an unknown OS and getting used to it as I am only a home user. There two versions one free and one paid for(not popular with Linux aficionados) but still less than £20 but has full bells and whistles and more software downloads than one could possibly want and the downloads are free. Good luck with your investigations and your new distro what ever you decide it is.0
One other thing I thought about Zorin was probably that you are like me Nerafim in the fact I do not want to write script or couldn't care less how a operating system works and have no interest the technical side of how a operating system works unlike many members of the Linux community I just want it to work and that is what Zorin does, works straight out of the box, and it comes with lots of extras. The only thing I do not like is my email address is through my broadband supplier and I would have to change to Gmail or similar so that is why I still have Windows dual booted wit Zorin but Zorin is the preferred OS.0
Hmm, well thanks a lot for the advice, bootneck. I'll look into Zorin. Honestly I haven't looked up more about Linux but I remember now that it's supposed to be script based commands, so if this one is streamlined like that then it sounds like it is for me. I would still like to know more about these stuff however and explore my options. And how do I burn the DVD?
Honestly I am kind of disappointed at the amount of feedback I got on this. It's supposed to be the Linux main community/center thing even. ;/0 -
Nerafim wrote:Hmm, well thanks a lot for the advice, bootneck. I'll look into Zorin. Honestly I haven't looked up more about Linux but I remember now that it's supposed to be script based commands, so if this one is streamlined like that then it sounds like it is for me. I would still like to know more about these stuff however and explore my options. And how do I burn the DVD?
Honestly I am kind of disappointed at the amount of feedback I got on this. It's supposed to be the Linux main community/center thing even. ;/
When dealing with computers, nothing is ever solved in one sentence. If so, it was not thought all the way through. That is the nature of technology.
Here is the link to zorinOS,
You can create a linux boot disk in two ways; use startup-disk-creator, in ubuntu, or download netbootin
It is impossible to explain what every 230 linux distros are useful for. We can suggest based on what we use. You have to be clear on what you want your linux system to do. That narrows down the search and we can direct you to the right place.
No question or answer is open-ended. We engage with the users.apt-get install linux!!
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Heh...Yeah, yeah that is very zen of you. I know all that but it came out the wrong way because Windows is really frustrating me. Or more like I just want a backup boot disk just in case as I am doing some more repairs here.
When I said "feedback", I meant just that, not instant gratification of my unexpressed desires. I wanted some general idea of how Linux works so I can work my way from there, and basically just wanted a discussion going.
Anyway, now for example I know there are 230 distros, which is quite something when trying to figure out a whole Operating System's worth of possible actions, let alone figure out which suits you best.
As for what I am interested in, it's a bit tough to say. For now I would say I want something self-sufficient and very intuitive/user friendly, perhaps even a throwback to Windows, as I am mostly interested in the stuff I can do with the software instruments, rather than my software be my main priority. But I am kind of interested in dabbling a bit in learning the coding/command sides, perhaps quite a lot, but only in the long term or later down the line, not in the immediate future and I would rather it not get in the way of my work on the computer.
For now Zorin looks like the perfect suggestion, especially when going over its reviews and reading about it, so thanks again, bootneck. I am actually surprised it only seems to be 1,5 GB (even if it unpacks), when I remember seeing some link to something I forget which was about 5 GB (maybe Ubuntu?).
But I am still curious about my options, like say those recommended/supported ones by UNetbootin (Debian, Fedora, etc.)...Also, anything someone can tell me about Zenwalk? I only got linked to forums and would rather not dig through that now.
And sorry if I was misunderstood, that was my fault. Thanks for the help. ^_^
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Let us know how things worked out for you.0
Oya forgot to post back. Well I had some troubles trying to make the DVD because the download on the browser kept getting corrupted, so I had to use a torrent, also Unetbootin doesn't let me do DVDs but it seems all it took was just a regular burn anyway.
But I got and made the live DVD and works very fine booting into it and all that. However I haven't dabbled around inside much yet, just checked to see if it works. Zorin looks cool from what I can tell but I keep hearing how so different than Windows Linux is and how eventually it's a headache and stuff, lol.0 -
Linux is not for everyone, that I do know. Don't always believe the hype. Use it and make your own decision.
Glad you were able to burn Zorin.0
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