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Where to install a missing firmware during the installation ?

Addon Posts: 4
edited November 2014 in Debian

Hi everyone,

I'm struggling to install kali on my computer, indeed i had a firmware missing (rtl_nic/rtl8411) so i put it on a usb disk (which i format before in fat), i created a new repertory in /media named "usb" with mkdir then i tried to mount it with this command mount /dev/sdc1 media/usb and i had a message like "busybox ... multi-call binary", i mounted the usb stick in this usb folder that i created because it saw it on a forum but i guess that i must mount the usb in a special repertory for firmware but i don't know which one it is... please help me :-)




  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    the usb drive can be mounted onto any empty directory, the location has nothing to do with what is to be used.

    Once the volume is mapped and mounted you can follow the manufacturers instructions to complete the installation.


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