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Which version of Linux is closest to Windows XP?
Posts: 1
I am a long time windows user and i cannot stand the direction windows is taking. I loved Windows XP but my computer has been moving slower and slower lately. I think id like to see what linux has to offer but im not sure where to start. Id like to figure out which version is closest to Xp. Any help would be appreciated
Linux can be made to LOOK like Windows XP.
BUT Linux is Linux and Windows is Windows. There is a learning curve - just like there was between Windows 98 and XP or XP and Windows 8.
Probably the distro that can be made to LOOK like Windows XP is ZorinOS. BUT under the hood it is LINUX.
If you Google "Linux Alternatives to Windows XP" you will see many different suggestions.
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I think Mint is a pretty good OS to start with for getting into it. Most things work right out of the box (so to speak) after installing. I'm on 17 now and it's pretty slick.0
Have a look at n00bix http://sf.net/projects/n00bix
Should work just fine on your computer.
Glad for feedback0 -
storm052085 wrote:I am a long time windows user and i cannot stand the direction windows is taking. I loved Windows XP but my computer has been moving slower and slower lately. I think id like to see what linux has to offer but im not sure where to start. Id like to figure out which version is closest to Xp. Any help would be appreciated
When you say close to XP, do you mean functions like XP or looks like XP? Remember, Linux is an entirely different animal with its good and bad parts. The question you should ask, "what linux OS allows me to get work done that I usually do on XP?". Then do research on the types of distros and programs that are within your requirements.
If your XP system is running slow, then you may need to look at what is causing the slow-down. Either you need more memory, stop some running processes, scan for viruses and malware etc. Moving to another OS should be your last resort. You may need to upgrade the hard drive or the CPU of your current system.
If you want to try out some Linux systems and test them against your needs, start out with Ubuntu/Debian based systems. These will let you drive through Linux with a small learning curve. Don't overlook RedHat based OSes like CentOS and Fedora. Fedora is the user desktop version of the famous RedHat OS which is also said to be easy for new comers to Linux.
Try Ubuntu/Debian based systems first. If you don't find what you need, then move on to others. Make sure that you try the LiveCD versions of the systems first.
Have a look at this site and test the first top five that you see on the "Page Hit list" category.
Site of Linux Operaating Systems
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I was also a long-time windows user before switching over to linux - which I use on all my personal laptops. If you're looking for something similar to the windows interface, I'd try out Zorin OS. This OS looks just like windows and it's incredibly easy to use (without all the headaches that come with windows). I'm pretty sure the purpose of this entire OS is to make the windows-to-linux switch seem effortless and intuitive. Definitely my first pick for you.
Now, my favorite OS is Xubuntu. It kind of reminds me of a hybrid between the windows OS and OSX lion on mac. Really cool design that I think you'll probably like that I think blends the best elements of windows and mac OS components.
Hope this helps!
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linux fanatic wrote:I was also a long-time windows user before switching over to linux - which I use on all my personal laptops. If you're looking for something similar to the windows interface, I'd try out Zorin OS. This OS looks just like windows and it's incredibly easy to use (without all the headaches that come with windows). I'm pretty sure the purpose of this entire OS is to make the windows-to-linux switch seem effortless and intuitive. Definitely my first pick for you.
Now, my favorite OS is Xubuntu. It kind of reminds me of a hybrid between the windows OS and OSX lion on mac. Really cool design that I think you'll probably like that I think blends the best elements of windows and mac OS components.
Hope this helps!
You and me both like Xubuntu. Very good explanation of the OS. It does have a Windows feel and MacOS similarities. Overall, it is stable as a desktop UI. The design is nutreul which does not require a heavy GPU. It looks simple but can be made to look beautiful.
The UI uses the fundementals of XP. Usefull applications, simple navigation and good hardware detection. It takes out the unecessary and keeps the must have. Window management is good. Lots of options for convienience. What it has done for me was make it easy to adminstrate the system.
The "Thunar" file manager could use more features.0
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