Installing to Second Internal Hardrive?
Almost there….Here is what I have: Dell Dimension 8100
One 120 gig hardrive
(partitioned to a “C” drive and a “D” drive, windows XP
is on “C” and Ubuntu 12.04 is on”D” drive to dual boot)
One 120 Gig hardrive labeled “E” drive
What I tried to do is install Linux Mint 13 onto the second drive “E” so that I could boot to either Windows XP, Ubuntu 12.04, or Mint 13.
During the install with Mint I partitioned the “E” Drive into 4 partions…20gig –went to /root, 86gig went to /home, 10 gig went to /windows as a shared file and 4gig went to swap (double my ram)
My intention is to eventually dump windows and use only Mint or Ubuntu, when I can get linux to work with my scanner (it is currently unsupported)
I now can still dual boot to XP or Ubuntu but there is no option to boot the “E” drive with MINT.
Bios won’t give me any options other than boot from cd rom, hardrive, or floppy. I understand that windows 7 gives more options. I thought if I download a boot manager it would get me those options. I downloaded Boot-Us and when I was about to install to disk it showed that there was no bootable drive on the “E” drive. Tried to get a screen shot of it but the prt screen stopped working on Xp (still works in Ubuntu) so below is a text report of what Boot-Us found:
Disk 1: 111.8 GiB, 14593 Cyl., 255 Heads, 63 Sec. (Boot disk 1)
ST3120026A (S/N 5JS616ZJ)
Part. Label Type ID Status Size
#1 System (C:) NTFS 3.1 07 pri,active 39.16 GiB
#2 Data (D:) NTFS 3.1 07 pri 72.63 GiB
Part. #1: Entry 0 in partition table (range 0..3)
Size = 39.16 GiB, Disk position = 31.50 KiB to 39.16 GiB
Start C/H/S = 0/1/1, End C/H/S = 1023/254/63 (Part table)
Start C/H/S = 0/1/1, End C/H/S = 5111/254/63 (effective)
rel. Sec. = 63, Num. Sec. = 82124217 (Part table)
Start LBA = 63, Num. Sec. = 82124217 (effective)
Part. #2: Entry 1 in partition table (range 0..3)
Size = 72.63 GiB, Disk position = 39.16 GiB to 111.8 GiB
Start C/H/S = 1023/0/1, End C/H/S = 1023/254/63 (Part table)
Start C/H/S = 5112/0/1, End C/H/S = 14592/254/63 (effective)
rel. Sec. = 82124280, Num. Sec. = 152312265 (Part table)
Start LBA = 82124280, Num. Sec. = 152312265 (effective)
Disk 2: 111.8 GiB, 14593 Cyl., 255 Heads, 63 Sec. (Boot disk 2)
ST3120026A (S/N 5JT5X1Z7)
Part. Label Type ID Status Size
#1 Linux nat. 83 pri,active 18.63 GiB
#2 ext. Part. 05 ext 93.16 GiB
#5 Linux nat. 83 log 80.09 GiB
#6 (E:) FAT32 0B log 9.31 GiB
#7 Linux swap 82 log 3.75 GiB
Part. #1: Entry 0 in partition table (range 0..3)
Size = 18.63 GiB, Disk position = 1.00 MiB to 18.63 GiB
Start C/H/S = 0/32/33, End C/H/S = 1023/254/63 (Part table)
Start C/H/S = 0/32/33, End C/H/S = 2431/151/24 (effective)
rel. Sec. = 2048, Num. Sec. = 39061504 (Part table)
Start LBA = 2048, Num. Sec. = 39061504 (effective)
Part. #2: Entry 1 in partition table (range 0..3)
Size = 93.16 GiB, Disk position = 18.63 GiB to 111.8 GiB
Start C/H/S = 1023/254/63, End C/H/S = 1023/254/63 (Part table)
Start C/H/S = 2431/183/55, End C/H/S = 14593/66/1 (effective)
rel. Sec. = 39065598, Num. Sec. = 195375106 (Part table)
Start LBA = 39065598, Num. Sec. = 195375106 (effective)
Part. #5: Entry 0 in partition table (range 0..3)
Size = 80.09 GiB, Disk position = 18.63 GiB to 98.72 GiB
Start C/H/S = 1023/254/63, End C/H/S = 1023/254/63 (Part table)
Start C/H/S = 2431/183/57, End C/H/S = 12887/42/19 (effective)
rel. Sec. = 2, Num. Sec. = 167966720 (Part table)
Start LBA = 39065600, Num. Sec. = 167966720 (effective)
Part. #6: Entry 0 in partition table (range 0..3)
Size = 9.31 GiB, Disk position = 98.72 GiB to 108.0 GiB
Start C/H/S = 1023/254/63, End C/H/S = 1023/254/63 (Part table)
Start C/H/S = 12887/74/52, End C/H/S = 14102/245/31 (effective)
rel. Sec. = 2048, Num. Sec. = 19529728 (Part table)
Start LBA = 207034368, Num. Sec. = 19529728 (effective)
Part. #7: Entry 0 in partition table (range 0..3)
Size = 3.75 GiB, Disk position = 108.0 GiB to 111.8 GiB
Start C/H/S = 1023/254/63, End C/H/S = 1023/254/63 (Part table)
Start C/H/S = 14103/23/1, End C/H/S = 14593/66/1 (effective)
rel. Sec. = 1449, Num. Sec. = 7874560 (Part table)
Start LBA = 226566144, Num. Sec. = 7874560 (effective)
I think I installed correctly as I can see the root, home and shared fat32 file in Ubuntu. Can’t see the swap file though. And I think Boot-Us see’s it too.
My question is, should I install Boot-us to the Hardrive and will I accomplish what I am after or will I screw up my system. Is there a simply way to be able to boot up “E” drive into Mint. Boot-Us looks pretty scary and I don’t feel I know enough . Any help would be appreciated. Sorry for all the details. Thanks in Advance!
John P
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