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Linux or ubuntu
Posts: 8
Can I use Linux or Ubuntu to replace my windows operating system?
Linux works well.0
Ubuntu is a Linux based Distro, it is commonly recommended to new user for the simple user interface. If you are thinking of another Linux based distro then you can list the name(s) here and we may help to point you in the right direction.
As for replacing windows you must keep in mind that the windows software including games will not work in a Linux based system, there are plenty of free alternatives, but windows software is made for different libraries so they will not work natively.0 -
I want to replace my windows XP operating system with something else. I have put up with windows for as long as I can. If the Linux system works I would like to try it but I can’t find were to get it.0
Wile I was clicking around I found a link to a new Linux operating system that just came out on May 17th. I tried to download it but was unable too. My frustration caused me to close all the open windows of course when I did I lost all the information about it. Can you send me a link to that information please?
Thank you
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Ubuntu IS Linux...
What are the basic specs of your computer? How much RAM have you got?
"a new Linux operating system that just came out on May 17th" New Distro or new version of already release Distro? Don't be surprised if people can't help with this. Have you checked the History on your Browser?0 -
Basic specs are: AMD Phenom™ 9450e
Quad-Core Processor
2.10 GHz, 3.37 GB of RAM
I have two internal hard drives One runs Windows XP 2002 (500GB) the other is blank, ready to download the Linux operating system on (150 GB). Turned on throw BOIS at start-up. I also have a 1 TRB external hard drive I use for portable storage and file storage.
The download page I was on I got to from Wikipedia when I searched to find out what Distro meant.
I have my Browser set up to delete the history when closed. Otherwise I don’t know how to check the Brower history
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You system is perfect for ubuntu. You can try all flavors, ubuntu
I recommend Xubuntu because it closely resembles Windows XP's UI and it uses less resources then Wndows XP uses. If you still want to keep XP, then xubuntu will allow you the option to dualboot with your existing OS. Download Xubuntu 12.04.2 LTS. LTS stands for "Long term Support" and it allows your system to supported until the next LTS release. It comes with firefox installed. If you want to use google's chrome browser, then you can down it from google's site it. The Wizard with help you through the process.
What Webbrowser are you using.0 -
Thank you for this replay.
I went to Xubuntu and the first thing that stopped me was something called “Torrent downloads” I don’t know what that means.
Are all the people who run the Linux system rocket scientist? I don’t seem to understand the terminology used here. Ie: torrent downloads, mirror downloads, dual boot….
I ended up at this page because I am unable to find a system download page that (1: I understand (2: I am able to download from, and (3: I can boot from my second hard drive with out interfering with my XP operating system.
I want to try this out but I am just to stupid to be able to download it.
Thank you
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I am not a rocket scientist. I have just taken some time to understand computers. Without that people can't get very far.
To download a torrent you need a special application called a torrent client e.g. Azureus?Vuse. The best thing about torrents is that you can stop downloading one day and carry on another day. They are hard to break.
A mirror download is one without a torrent. It is a straight download. If you stop it, it will be broken and useless.
You need to download an "iso". That can either be burnt to a CD or a USB stick. That is a special operation which will create a Linux bootable disk. ...You don't just copy an iso to a CD...
Look somewhere like here: https://sites.google.com/site/xubuntuinstallhowto/get-it0 -
Thanks you.
I was born in 1947. I bought my first computer in 2000. Gate Way with Windows ME already downloaded on it. Didn’t have to do anything except plug it in and go like hell with it. Made every mistake you can think of plus some you wouldn’t believe. So forgive me if I don’t now all the terminology, some of which is unique to Linux, as this is new to me. I have always just bought Windows CD and installed it myself. Fact is all the software came with a CD, so this is really my first time. Ever…
I followed the link that Arochaster left me. From there I was sent to http://www.xubuntu.org/getxubuntu.Im
I chose the “Mirror downloads/United States” for the “iso” That sent me to http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/12.04/release/ . I successfully downloaded http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/12.04/release/xubuntu-12.04.2-alternate-amd64.iso to a flash drive that I will use to upload to the empty hard drive.
My question is: Will this work, will I be able to install Xunbutu on a “stands alone” operating system similar to what Microsoft makes people pay for. Yes, No Maby ?
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(I was only born in 1952. I had a serious stroke 13 years ago before I was 48. I have "cognitive impairment"...so...I officially have an acquired head injury.)
You have an iso on a flash drive. You need to change the iso into a bootable Linux distro.
You need something like Unetbootin - http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ It can work in Linux, Windows or OS X.
Put Unetbootin and the iso onto a working Hard Drive. Open Unetbootin. Choose Diskimage and then search for the path to the iso. It should then work when you click OK.
YES. Xubuntu will work as a "stand alone"0 -
" You need to download an "iso". That can either be burnt to a CD or a USB stick. That is a special operation which will create a Linux bootable disk. ...You don't just copy an iso to a CD...
Look somewhere like here: https://sites.google.com/site/xubuntuinstallhowto/get-it"
"You have an iso on a flash drive. You need to change the iso into a bootable Linux distro.
You need something like Unetbootin - http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ It can work in Linux, Windows or OS X.
Put Unetbootin and the iso onto a working Hard Drive. Open Unetbootin. Choose Diskimage and then search for the path to the iso. It should then work when you click OK."
I am more confused then ever now. …I AM STUPID>>>>>please tell me in simple words exactly what I need to do and how to do it, if you know.
I downloaded unetbootin and downloaded it directly into the EMPETY hard drive but I cannot open it.
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THe ISO files are archives of a CD image, the unetbootin application can convert many iso images to bootable usb images but you are best using a program like nero cd burned to burn the image to a disk. Once the image as been burned you will need to reboot the computer and choose to select a boot option when it starts , the option to select boot option is different on all computers so you will need to look at the quick popup message on the black screen during boot to determine the button.
Once you choose to boot from the CD the disk image will start and give you option to try from CD or install to disk, if that does not happen then you did not burn the image, instead that would be a sign that you just burned the file to the CD.0 -
OK you win. I don’t have any idea what any of you are telling me…so I will quit now. This is just too difficult for me. I really hate Microsoft but I can keep working with it rather then waste my time tiring to figure out how to do something that should be simple. ie: download a Linux operating system. Let’s face if I can’t do that how will ever be able to work with it.
Good by
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