How to install open cloud?
I just starting to learn open cloud of now.
Can anybody tell me or send me to learn how to's on
installing open cloud?
Ubuntu, Debian, linuxmint are the ones I would like
to use to do this.
Thank You
Open Cloud is a generic term. There are many large storage companies that offer cloud services, but, you would be syncing your files out in the cloud, and, for me, that decreases my privacy. Owncloud, which allows you to set up a cloud service on your own machine, is the way I would go. If it's not available in your distros repos yet, here's a how-to from the Debian based distro I use, siduction.
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please help me to use the cloud0
nice thread to teach us how to install it. thanks.0
The general term cloud itself can be quite confusing, just think of it as high redundancy offsite resources.
There is cloud storage which is storing your data in a redundant offsite location which in most cases can easily be synced. This is what owncloud is doing, but it lacks the redundancy.
Then there is cloud computing which is when a virtual machine for an operating system in installed in a cloud cluster machine, which can offer offsite processing, faster processing and it removes location dependence. However to use this platform you must accept that another business is holding your data and can control your cloud machine, due to this I highly recommend reading the terms of service for the services carefully to userstand the potential risk.
Then there are cloud services such as SAAS (Software as a service), which is using the cloud infrastructure to deliver an application through the web browser.
IF you wish to try a cloud computing then please look at the article at for instuctions to start a cloud instance of a linux based machine.0 -
To start, there are many ways to install and deploy OpenStack through software distributions.......
ooseven wrote:I just starting to learn open cloud of now.
Can anybody tell me or send me to learn how to's on
installing open cloud?
Ubuntu, Debian, linuxmint are the ones I would like
to use to do this.
Thank You
1NGROUP: So Im not sure if open cloud is a generic term, i do know that its real they are on Linkdin, Twitter, and YouTube and you can contact them there.
I did not find a download but i can recommend open nebula
and install that to one of your OS like Ubuntu.0 -
Hi All,
I want to know about openstack.
How to install and configure openstack and how to do work on this.
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OpenStack is a set of software tools for building and managing cloud computing platforms for public and private clouds.
If you want to know that how to install and configure openstack, now follow with this link:
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hey! There Are some steps you to follow for installing the open cloud.
First of all Update Ubuntu System Packages, Then Install Apache and PHP 7.2 in Ubuntu, After that Install MariaDB in Ubuntu, After then Create an Own Cloud Database, then Download Own Cloud in Ubuntu. then you have to Configure Apache for Own Cloud, then Finalizing the Own Cloud Installation in Ubuntu.0
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