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Browser-Based Server Terminal

GokayHuz Posts: 5

In the CFF Certification Candidate Hanbook (page 15), it states:

Be sure to also review how you can Practice Using the Exam’s Browser-Based Linux Server Terminal​ listed under Exam Preparation​.

I clicked the link, but could not find any information on how I can practice using the exam's terminal. 

Can you please provide some guidance on how we can access this practice terminal?



  • TimHarris123
    TimHarris123 Posts: 8
    edited April 2018

    Hello Gokayhuz,

    Yes, good point, it is no longer possible to test a terminal like that used in the exam, but you can learn more about the Gate One terminal that is used by looking at the README file located at https://github.com/liftoff/GateOne .  We'll update the Handbook to include this information in the next few days.

    Thanks for noticing this error and good luck with your exam...




  • HI,

    I execute   cf push   on API endpoint:   https://api.run.pivotal.io (API version: 2.107.0)'

    it failed, why?

    output: No org targeted, use 'cf target -o ORG' to target an org.


    Please share some idea!



  • PilarBrist most likely there are logs somewhere also:

    • which app are you trying to push?
    • have you targeted the correct org?

    If you are going over the couse material then:

    • you can complete most/all of the lessons using the free PCF Dev tool provided by Pivotal. It should be noted that you need to have at least 30 GB of hard drive space for this to run
    • you will need a plan where you can have use more then 1 GB of memory for at least one of the exercies.
  • PilarBrist
    PilarBrist Posts: 17
    edited April 2018


    Thanks for your answer. I am following the steps of the example of the turorial in order to check if it works on my Mac. First 1)

    git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry-samples/cf-sample-app-spring.git

    2) cd cf-sample-app-spring

    3) cf login -a https://api.run.pivotal.io

    4) cf push

    it supposed to give the route to open the sample on the browser. but it not show it. So I signed for PCF Dev Tool, I download the Course class-artifacts.tar on Mac (8GB). I copy the link in order to clarify little more.https://pivotal.io/platform/pcf-tutorials/getting-started-with-pivotal-cloud-foundry/deploy-the-sample-app




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