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LAB 8: Create a managed service instance with specific plan

hkonki Posts: 2

When I have to create a service which has plan like blah*, how should I specify plan and create service.

cf create-service servicename plan myservice


How should I get more details of Plan?


  • When I ran cf marketplace I was given the following at the end of the service listing

    TIP:  Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.

    When I tried this out I was presented with the following output:


    cf marketplace -s p-mysql

    Getting service plan information for service p-mysql as admin...


    service plan   description            free or paid

    512mb          PCF Dev MySQL Server   free

    1gb            PCF Dev MySQL Server   free


    For more details about the plans for each service you would have to contact your Cloud Foundry provider. Hopefully, however the infomration provided by running cf marketplace provides enough for you to select the correct service plan options.


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