LFS258 - New course version now live! (V1.9.1)
A new course version of LFS258 went live today. Here are some of the changes included in this version:
- The course outline has been reorganized for a better flow. This may cause you to lose your bookmarking.
- The course content has been updated to Kubernetes v1.9.1.
- The course now focuses on the use of kubeadm to deploy a multi-node cluster.
To ensure you have access to the latest updates, please clear your cache before accessing the course. As the changes are significant, we advise that you review the entire course content again.
We hope you will have a great learning experience and enjoy the new LFS258.
The Linux Foundation Training Team
Hi team!
Where is the best place to provide user feedback on the lab materials?
Thanks in advance!
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Hi Matt,
We encourage students to post course-related feeback and issues in this forum. The course instructor does monitor the forum, and will see the feedback and respond.
Thank you,
The Linux Foundation Training Team
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wget https://training.linuxfoundation.org/cm/LFS258/LFS258_V2018-01-16_SOLUTIONS.tar.bz2seems like this link is invalid.
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Hi. The link is good, but the page is currently down. We are working to fix this issue. Thank you for your patience.0
The URL should now work with no issues. Thank you for your patience.0
There were many video lectures in many chapters but after this course update I cannot find them. I found them very helpful during training. Are these video lectures removed from course?
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The demo videos from the older course version were indeed removed, as they were no longer relevant to the updated course content (they used to focus on minikube and single node clusters, whereas the new course version focuses on kubeadm and multi-node clusters), but also because they were outdated (they used Kubernetes v1.6 and older). We will be adding more updates in the future and we will consider areas that could benefit from videos or audios.
Thank you,
The Linux Foundation Training Team
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For those who were in the middle of the course, could you please indicate which chapter(s)/part(s) should be reviewed after the update? I had reached chapter 11 and wonder which of the previous chapters/parts are worth being reviewed after the update.
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Hi Michael,
We actually suggest that you review the entire content, as the approach in the updated material is different. In the old version, the course was making use of single node clusters deployed locally on your machine with Minikube. The new version makes use of multi-node clusters, use of kubeadm, and it's done in the cloud. Not to mention that the course content and lab materials use Kubernetes v1.9.1, instead of v1.6 and older - a lot has changed.
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On slide 8.9 - Local Proxy for Development, the URLs for accessing the services are missing a /proxy at the end. Otherwise you're just getting the API object for the service, and not actually proxying to the service.
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How about you indicate the version of the course in the course material.
Alternatively, indicate *any* reliable way to verify that we are viewing the latest content.
I'm sure you all worked very hard on the material, but I must say, the mechanics of this course are truly disappointing.
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The lab pdfs (both the single file available for download in ch 1, and the individual pdfs available throughout the course) are dated. The newest course version (which is the one that I posted about on 2.16.2018) shows version 2018-02-15 on these lab pdfs. One other major detail regarding this particular course version is the fact that all content is now updated to use Kubernetes v1.9.1 (while the old version used Kubernetes v1.6 and v1.7).
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In “5.13. Namespaces” I think there is a confusion between Linux kernel namespaces and Kubernetes namespaces. You should clarify the explanation.
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In “7.5. Deployments”, I'm not sure Deployments should be explained by comparing them to ReplicationControllers as ReplicationControllers were not mentioned before. Also the API group for deployments is now apps/v1, not extensions/v1beta1 any more. This slide seems to be a reminiscence of the past (old version of the course) ;-)
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In “7.18.b. Knowledge Check 7.2”, there is a bug: when one checks answer “c”, the pop-up says that one has answered incorrectly and that the correct answer is “c” :-/
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Thank you for letting us know. We will correct this, and it will de deployed live in the next course update.
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