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I'm a noobie of Linux and I want to begin the development on Linux Platform
Posts: 11
I used to be a phper, and now I want my web application run on the linux.I have the following quetion.
I'm curious about what advantage linux take over the Windows.Except for free money.
Which version is suit for php to build up the website.
If there are any friendly source I can get in the internet, please give some advise.
And any nice experiance you have, would you mind sharing with me?
Thank you for your view on this post,as you see this guy's poor English.I'm not a native-speaking English.
Beg for your pardon. Thanks a lot.
If I got the wrong forum to post this quetion?
Or what I say is unclear?0 -
Folks that are experienced with development sometimes drop by, but not on a daily basis. Unfortunately, I'm not a developer, so, I can't help you with specifics, but, since a great many servers run Linux, I would point you to either Debian or RedHat for distros where development can be easily done. Although you can use any Linux distro for development. If I was to put up a web server, I'd probably choose to use Centos (a RedHat derivative).
The main advantage of Linux is its ability to be much more secure than Windows. The fact that Open Source/Free Software is able to be modified by the user is a strong second advantage.
As far as experience and what applications to use, if you're patient, there are some that visit the forum who can help you better than I can. I'm hoping they'll visit and see your post and give you a few pointers. Please be patient.0 -
You have PhP development experience? Why do you think this does not translate to Linux? PhP is originally a Linux tool/language. From what I can tell, it is a scripted C++ environment, mostly. For serious web development, there are a number of tools to use, and PhP is one of them. Also consider Javascript. If you want to write an application for Nokia phones, then Javascript/webapps is your main choice. Native java can be used, but is discouraged. FWIW, I am a Senior Systems Engineer for Nokia Mobile Phones.0
I'm still a student.I want to major in webdevelopment in the future. Now I want to migrate a site of mine to linux.0
If you are using PhP, then the only major difference between Windows and Linux would be in file names.0
Oh, a plenty of things to deal with. Including maintain the system and my Application that need an IDE (I don't know how to transform 'vim' into a PHP IDE, but I know 'vim' is so cool).Now my application is run on the windows.and I just use the virtual machine to install linux,cos I don't similar with linux and fear that it will go wrong sometime.0
I'd recommend Ubuntu Server with the LAMP installation option. You can install a GUI or keep it command line only. Being new to linux a GUI would probably help you as well as the easy to use style of Ubuntu. I'd recommend Ubuntu 12.04 which will be there new LTS version and officially released as stable on the 26th of April, however i'm using it right now and it's amazingly stable currently and wouldn't worry about it not being stable. It will automatically install any drivers for your system and give you a smooth new ride into the Linux world.
Some reasons to move to Linux:
Security is higher then Windows
Chance you'll get a virus are slim.
Linux runs on 90% of the world's super computers for a reason, it's fast and flexible while staying secure.
Besides saving money on the OS, Linux has a long list of open source applications that run smoothe and better in some cases then any windows application.
Linux is the ideal OS for the a web server for these reasons. With a web server, nothing is more important then speed and security, and that's what Linux has to offer you.
The Ubuntu Software Center offers a long range of free, amazing software that you can look through for a long list of IDEs and anything else you could want.
Try your first cup of ubuntu with your web server and let me know how it goes
P.S. once you have it installed, to install the GUI just type this in the command line:
sudo apt-get install Ubuntu-Desktop
Once installed, launch it by this
sudo startx
Then it will default to the gui every time after you first launch it. Pretty easy, the reason I recommended the server version is it is more sudo demanding which makes it safer then the desktop version, but both are safe and would do a great job.
0 -
PhP is native to Linux. On my RHEL 6.2 clone, the current version 5.3.3. In any case, PhP and many other programming (web-based or otherwise) are available via your operating system's package manager - yum for Red Hat distributions, apt-get for Debian (Ubuntu) ones, and emerge for Gentoo and other source-based distributions.0
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