I'm another Noobie to Linux
I'm another of the many new people to Linux and I hope that I won't drive any of you crazy with my many questions. I've just installed Linux Mint 12 on a computer that the hard drive died on. I installed a new drive and installed the Mint 12 from a cd that I got out of a magazine and to say the least it is a limited version. I'm trying to get the thing online but am having problems with just about everything I do. I'm not very computer literate so that doesn't help much. Hopefully I'll get this thing online soon so I can download all the things that are missing right now.
Anyway I have already asked several questions and I'm sure there will be a lot more before I'm done. I just hope you folks don't get tired of all the questions, and a lot of them will be stupid but I've got to learn. I don't have any friends that use Linux so I will be here a lot probably looking for help. Right now I'm having a problem getting used to all the terminology that you folks use it's so different from the Windows stuff. Bear with me and I'll someday be helping others get answers.
Thanks for the help already recieved guys. Roadtrash
Don't worry about your questions, ask as many as you need. If someone knows the answers he/she will reply. However, I must suggest you to do some research on searching enignes before asking questions
You can visit the irc channel #linuxdotcom on irc.freenode.net. If you write down my name I'll get a notification and I'll try to help with any question you have
Regards0 -
Noobie the same0
Welcome aboard solio.0
The only dumb questions are the unasked ones! We all had to start somewhere, and trust me when I say that once upon a time (20-30 years ago maybe), I was really dumb! :-)0
Rubberman, I realize *every day* how dumbI am (although I must admit that a little less dumber than some years ago )0
Not sure what version of linux mint you got out of the magazine, but i'd recommend getting it directly from their website for a full version.
Also try Ubuntu which is what Linux Mint is based off of, my favorite version personally is Kubuntu so I'd recommend trying that.
The difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu is that Kubuntu comes pre-installed with a KDE GUI. Which in non jargon terms, means its a version of linux a window user can easily use. You can download it here: http://www.kubuntu.org/0 -
I'm a Noobie here, too. I don't mean to hi-jack this thread, but I am unable to start a new topic. I'd love to hop over to the Noob section to ask some questions. Is there a time requirement for new members to be able to post or might this be yet another issue with the old pc? I haven't found any forum guidelines or faq to find that out. When I click the "New Topic" button, I get "405-Method Not Allowed."
Anyway, Hi everyone! My name's Melissa and I'm considering a switch from WinXP to possibley Kubuntu. Looks exciting, but I definitely want to make sure I consider everything before I go and screw things up.0 -
Hello, Welcome Melissa.
The problem you are facing is not bcoz of your old PC and there is no other requirements to post a question/start a topic apart from registering.
The problem is alreay taken to concern persons and they are working on it to fix ASAP.
Please wait for some more time....0
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