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Debian Squeeze video streaming server.
Posts: 5
in Installation
Hello everyone,
I'm searching for a program or something else which can stream video's and if possible on a webpage that I can forward to my public ip address. I have a collection of video's that I want to see when I'm not at home. I found out how you can stream music, but Video's are something else. I know of VLC, but can I still see a well organised structure of my video's with VLC? Does someone knows a solution to this?
Thanks in advance.
hi jonathanb
where can i get linux os for free..............
so that i can learn linux i am computer technician expert in windows but i dont know the os linux...
jhun...0 -
@jonathanb Sorry, but I use VLC, so I don't know of any substitutes that I can help you with. Hopefully, someone will come along that can give you some alternatives.
@jhonyjhons It's better to start a new thread with a title that explains your request/problem. I came in to jonathans thread to see if I could help and noticed your question. Anyway, since you're already here, look at this link:
There are links there for obtaining any and all Linux distros.
If you have any other questions, please start a new thread and we'll be glad to help.0 -
@jhun Try to follow some tutorials which will give you some basic knowledge about the things inside Linux. I started with Debian and Stayed there, but Debian has a high learning curve (That's what I heard) so I would suggest to use the Ubuntu distro. Download link: http://www.ubuntu.com/download
@GoinEasy9 Is there in VLC a structure from where you can choose the Video that you want to see? If that is the case then maybe VLC is the answer even though there isn't a website where I can access it. When I was on google I saw another post with you giving as answer VLC, but as you can see I have slightly other needs.
JonathanB0 -
You might want to look at http://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-set-your-own-linux-media-server , that tutorial will tell you how to setup a streaming video server complete with a web interface for controls.0 -
I couldn't find that on google. :O
Thank you for the link anyway! Now I can start with this and if all things go as planned then I have my own Linux media server. Thank you both for your help!0 -
There is one problem that I see with that tut and that is that it uses UPNP which I already have and UPNP is for intern use as far as I know. I'm trying to get a sort of youtube idea. When I connect from work to my home server I can choose a Video and then it starts. Is there such a thing?0
Just place a web server with html5 video tags.
It's easy and quick
Regards0 -
That is indeed a plan which I would use when there wasn't any other options. Maybe this is the best solution after all. Thank you Marc Deop.0
Hey jonathanb, sorry I was missing in action. Work took me away from the site for a couple of days. I'm happy Marc had a solution for you. Please come back if you have any more questions. We have a lot of knowledgeable people here, like Marc, but, sometimes we all get busy at the same time, so, the answers come in a bit slow.0
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