i dont like linux please help
I purchesed my laptop used about 5 months ago and it had linux on it. Sence then i have tryed to copy cds to my music files upload pictures from a camara install games from disk and all kinds of other things. The only thing i can do is get on the internet and thats it oh and play the games already installed. From what i can figure it has Ubuntu 11.10 and i dont like it. I would like to know if there is any way i can check if windows is still on here or if they totaly obliterated it from the hd and if they did not how can i remove linux and only use windows. If anyone can help because i am about to throw $200 in the trash. My laptop is a dell latitude d620 and if it is not compatitable with a dell you might want to post it to your download page because the company that put it on here really screwed me. Oh just so you know thae company i bought my laptop from is Unclaimed Baggage and they install linux on all the computers that they find in lost or left luggage and then resell them as top quality computers with a better os than windows and i dont think that they are right. So if you can please help
I am sorry that you are having trouble understanding how to use you camera (https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/musicvideophotos/C/photos.html) or ripping music CDs (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping) in ubuntu. Have you attempted to ask someone for help before or search google for guides? Ubuntu has very good guides on their website that can teach you to do nearly anything as shown in the above links.
the computer was sold to you without windows because the windows license was voided when the computer exchanged hands to the company, so you cannot just simply re-install windows. You will need to purchase a new copy of windows and install it yourself. As for what version of windows can be installed, it was originally sold with win xp, but it meets the minimum requirements for vista and 7.
I highly recommend for you to continue to use ubuntu, reference their online documents and ask us for help if you can't figure something out. That will be much less frustrating than installing win7 on "minimum requirement" hardware which would leave you with an incredibly slow computer which would not effectively run more software such as office due to the lack of hardware.0 -
I have a Dell D630, and before that a D600, both running Linux. Currently I am running Scientific Linux 6.1 (a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux) on my Dell and all the stuff you are complaining about with Ubuntu 11.10 work just fine for me, although I had to jump through a few hoops to get the WiFi working (see www.linuxwireless.org for help on that). Myself, I don't think that Ubuntu 11.10 is "ready for prime time", but that's just my opinion. My favorite Ubuntu distribution was 9.04. I had the least problems with it, and all my hardware (internal or external) worked "out-of-the-box" without configuring, installing, or anything. Things started going downhill after that, with 9.10 and later.0
If you really want to know if windows is still installed go to the application menu and open a terminal or push ctrl+alt+t, then type sudo fdisk /dev/sda, if an entry shows up with NTFS listed that is most likely a windows installation. If you need further guidance please paste the output of that command here.0
just go on the internet, download a windows 7 torrent and then download it to finaltorrent. then you can burn the torrent to a disk then when you are starting the computer up you go to the BIOS settings and set the primary loadup to CD. then it will load up the windows 7 install. uf you need more help then go to youtube or message me.
even though its easy to do this i reccomend linux as it is better in a lot of ways. it just takes some getting used to because you have to download things differant. for example, you have to go to the bottom of the skype page and click 'for linux' because it will download it for windows otherwise. its like this for many things.
i cant help you fully beacuse i have linux mint 12. but i hope what i said did help.0
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