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Flash Player upgrade required

Totally unexpectedly, out of nowhere I cannot watch a video on YouTube. I was able to do so yesterday but today I was prompted that I need to install flash player. When I first installed Fedora 14, I ran FedoraPlus so that I was able to listen to music and watch video. I have no idea how this happened but all of a sudden, I'm being prompted: 'Flash Player upgrade required'. I've downloaded the folder and now have no idea what to do next:


Archive Manager just opens a folder with a an array of files.

Having become accustomed to Windows where things are more automatic, I'm afraid I'm lost when things like this happen in Fedora so I would really appreciate if someone could walk me through how to get the update installed and hopefully it would be instructive for similar situations in the future.

Thanks to anyone who is willing to help.


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  • Posts: 1,114
    edited November 2011
    Don't use the file that was downloaded. Erase/Remove it. If you ran FedoraPlus, you should have the Adobe repo installed in /etc/yum.repos.d/. If there are flash updates, they should come automatically. I use 32 bit Fedora and the contents of the repo file look like this:

    name=Adobe Systems Incorporated

    Make sure enabled=1 in order for flash to update with yum update.

    If by some chance you don't have that repo, or, you are running 64 Fedora and downloaded one of the 64 bit flash files that adobe seems to release and then pull back, download FedoraPlus again. First, go in to your current FedoraPlus (it actually isn't called FedoraPlus anymore, it's now AutoPlus) and remove flash, then download the new AutoPlus and reinstall flash. That will give you the latest version.
    The link for AutoPlus is here:

    I've seen that "Your not running the latest flash" error before, and, it's usually a link to windows file. I haven't seen the error in a while, but, it's been a while since FedoraPlus was renamed AutoPlus, so, you just might have a very old version of flash running. The tar.gz file you downloaded leads me to believe that you downloaded the version for Linux, but, installing flash from that file is a lot more of a hassle, and, could mess up very easily. Use the AutoPlus way and save yourself some aggravation.

    Edit: BTW - The code that AutoPlus uses to install flash, both for 32 bit and 64 are on this link from the AutoPlus site. Looking at it might help, especially if you're running 64 bit.
  • Hello again GoinEasy9. My apologies for not posting to thank you much sooner. Your advice was on the money!

    Thank you for enlightening me to FedoraPlus becoming AutoPlus. I believe my Fedora is also 32 bit. To tell you the truth, that repo discussion lost me but what did work for me was going to my current FedoraPlus and removing flash, then downloading the new AutoPlus and reinstalling flash as per your advice. Apparently I did have an old version of flash running as the problem is now resolved. I hadn't realized all the functionality of opening FedoraPlus/AutoPlus so I appreciate the education.

    I also had AutoPlus install Sun/Oracle Java 6 so I believe I now have the latest Sun/Oracle Java 6 which is required to run the OnlyWire submitter application. I don't know if you are familiar with OnlyWire or not but somehow I cannot get their submitter to install on my Fedora and their support department are not being any help to me at all. This is of course a different but related issue in that it involves trying to get something working in a Linux environment. Would you care to render an opinion?

    The instructions are at the following page:


    1. Using your browser of choice click on Click Here next to OnlyWire Submitter on the Tools page.

    Click Here To Access The Downloads Page

    2. Click Download Now and the OnlyWire Submitter .zip file will download to your computer.

    3. Move the OnlyWire .zip file to your Home directory.

    4. Unzip the OnlyWire .zip file. This will create a folder called OnlyWireLinux in your Home directory.

    5. Create a text file in the OnlyWireLinux folder called config.txt. This file should contain one line of text:

    users=Your OnlyWire Username Goes Here

    For example, if your username is joe123 the one line of text would read:


    6. Open a Terminal and navigate to the OnlyWireLinux folder and run the following command:

    java -jar OnlyWire.jar

    The latest Sun/Oracle Java 6 is required to run the OnlyWire submitter application.

    You must keep the Terminal window open for the Submitter application to process your submissions. If you close the Terminal window you close the Submitter application. The OnlyWire submitter application processes submissions every 10 minutes automatically.

    I right clicked on OnlyWireLinux.zip in my Downloads folder to 'Extract Here'. I can see the OnlyWireLinux folder. I created a text file called config.txt with the 'users=Your OnlyWire Username Goes Here' line of text in it with my OnlyWire username in place of 'Your OnlyWire Username Goes Here' and moved it into the OnlyWireLinux folder. I then opened a terminal and, as you can see, I've logged in as su and this is what happened:

    [marneo@MN ~]$ su
    [root@MN marneo]# cd Downloads
    [root@MN Downloads]# cd OnlyWireLinux
    [root@MN OnlyWireLinux]# java -jar OnlyWire.jar

    Then absolutely nothing more. Can you spot what might be wrong? Any guidance you can offer would again be much appreciated.

    Thank you.
  • Posts: 1,114
    I'm sorry, but using the Sun/Oracle java download has always been a problem for me, even with the AutoPlus help. I get along using OpenJDK. There might be a soft link missing, or something was installed incorrectly. It could be that Java is not installed in the correct path so it can be accessed correctly.

    Right now I'm having a similar problem trying to get Java running on my NAS. While it's installed, the browser doesn't seen to be finding it, and, I'm such an amateur with Java, I haven't found the problem yet.

    Hopefully, someone else will see the thread and offer some more assistance.
  • Posts: 2
    edited May 2016

    thank you much Goineasy9



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