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How do i use the internet on linux mint 11??
Posts: 4
i need help on trying to connect it to a wireless network
Please be more specific. Did you go to the network manager application and try to configure the wireless connection? Also, did you install the driver/firmware (go to the Hardware Drivers page in the System->Administration menu)?0
how do i install the driver/hardware and how do you configure the wireless connection
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The drivers should be available in your hardware center or through synaptic package manager, all you need to know is what kind of network card you have. Once the drivers are installed you can setup you connection using network manager.0
First, we need to know what the wireless chip set is, and whether or not a driver has been loaded. Please execute the following commands and post the output back here:
If it's a Broadcom chip set, then the driver is already installed on new systems, but you will have to install the chip firmware. Until we know what you have, there isn't much more to say.0 -
when i try to activate broadcom sta wireless driver it says "failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.100.82.38+bdcom-0ubuntu3_i386.deb Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntu.com"0
what do i do in that website...sorry for the trouble man0
It has links to instructions on what to do to install just about any wireless device on Linux. Find your device type and follow the links to the page that details how to install and configure it for your operating system.
In any case, I still need to see the output of the commands that I mentioned previously:
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Sorry this was a few days, didn't see it before.
Which distribution of Linux do you have? (edit: good grief, nevermind, quite obvious) It sounds like you need to connect to a router directly with a cable, only to get the drivers necessary for wireless. On my last install of Kubuntu (which is the same as Ubuntu, with a different interface) it took a couple seconds to plug the cable in, then look in the Additional Drivers tool, and make sure wireless was activated. Not all Linux distributions can include all drivers in the install media.
more edit: Plugging in the network cable and looking in Jockey/Additional Drivers works MOST of the time.0
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