Ads on
It's OK when the ads are about Linux or hardware etc when it's related to the content of this page, but I experience that it's not the case.
I get ads for dating services like and Chinese dating service stuff.
Do I really have to block stuff??
I see it's Google AdChoices that put them there.
"The AdChoices icon appears on sites that use Google's AdSense program to show ads. While Google often shows you ads based on the content of the page you are viewing, we also show some ads based on the types of websites you visit, view, or where you interact with an ad or other Google product supported by Google's advertising services. In doing this, Google doesn't know your name or any other personal information about you. Google simply recognizes the number stored in your browser on the DoubleClick cookie, and shows ads related to the interest and inferred demographic categories associated with that cookie. It's our goal to make these ads as relevant and useful as possible for you. Google doesn't create categories, or show ads, based on sensitive topics such as race, religion, sexual orientation, or health. " - google
I recently removed all my previous browser data, maybe it's affecting the ads? Google mastermind: He is browsing Linux sites aha he needs more Asian dating sites adds!
What adds do you see? Are you all blocking it or anyone experience the same shit as me? Do really need these adds?
Edit: my categories in Google Ads Preferences was:
Arts & Entertainment - TV & Video - Online Video
Computers & Electronics
Computers & Electronics - Programming
Computers & Electronics - Software - Operating Systems - Linux & Unix
Internet & Telecom - Service Providers - Cable & Satellite Providers
Online Communities - Forum & Chat Providers
I personally haven't seen ads like those. All the ads I see are technology related. This is news to me, I wonder if anyone else is seeing these. I'd be curious to see if it relates to what part of the globe you're situated in.
I'm also assuming, because I don't know for a fact, that The Linux Foundation would have criteria set up so ads such as those don't show up on the site.
Let's hear some more feedback on this, if Aron isn't the only one seeing these ads, let me know, and I'll report it to the site admins.
BTW - Most mods are located on the East Coast of the US at present and are dealing with the passing of Hurricane Irene. So, if we aren't around for the next 12 hours, you'll know why. It's playing havoc where Matt lives at present, and it's starting to affect New York right now. Istimsak and myself are in the NY area.0 -
I removed all cookies, now the Google ads setting page says I need to opt in to get the cookie agen (edit: lie it was auto created agen, I will test opt out) so hopfully I will not see any more of those adds.
I got some ads in Swedish so some of them is based on your location.
I feel sad for the Irene casualties, and hope that everyone will be fine and thats it over soon. I did just read on the news that they are evacuating 370.000 in New York (by force). Can you still stay in your homes? -
From the looks of the radar, it's stuck over Virginia. It also looks like it's diminishing in strength very quickly. There's nothing for us to worry about. Even my daughter who has a house only 15 feet above sea level is staying at home. You can see from this radar image, the storm is breaking up quickly.
My only concern is for what's left of the storm surge, because it will be hitting the south shore of Long Island at high tide and also with a full moon. I'm betting even that won't cause much of a problem by the time it gets here.
Matt lives down in Virginia. I just talked with him and he move up into the mountains, heh, great excuse for a short vacation. The folks in Virginia and in the Carolina's took the brunt of hurricane. It was still strong when it made landfall, and it seems to be hovering over those states and moving very slow. Bad for them, but, the longer it stays down there, the more it dissipates.
BTW - Good that you figured the problem out with the ads. It's funny though that the sites filtering process didn't stop it in the first place. I'm still interested if anyone else has had that problem.0 -
I give up now, it can be solved (except by blocking). I hope they complain to Google (or wait I guess they get money from them).
I opt out, that setting is saved in the cookie, but it makes no difference. [file name=Linux_dot_com_ad.png size=103057][/file]0 -
Personally I use adblock so that no ads can slow down the load time of pages, so I don't see any of the ads.
But I have e-mailed the site admin and requested for them to review the adsense options and restrict unrelated results.0 -
well, I am seeing ads related to my country based. Means, some flipkart, Honda bikes etc. At a worst case, I have seen Matrimonial ads.
So far no dating kind of ad. [ Am I lucky or cursed ?]
Anyway, Matthew, can you tell us how to disable ads, since I am/will also in low speed internet for some 3-5 more days and our is taking to much time to load. Even I can not able to navigate to find the option to disable ads.0 -
In google chrome I use AdBlock ( which can allow you to permit certain domains to display ads while blocking all others.
But back to the point, the admins are reviewing the ad criteria to see how they can keep the advertisements on subject. If you see ads on the site that do not match the subjects in the threads please tell us about it here so they can use them to focus the restrictions.0 -
Thank you mfillpot for making the site admins aware of this.
I don't remember why I was turning of ABP (Adblock Plus Firefox plugin) in the first place.0 -
asedt wrote:Thank you mfillpot for making the site admins aware of this.
I don't remember why I was turning of ABP (Adblock Plus Firefox plugin) in the first place.
The adblock plugin is something that's been in my mind for some time. I do want to "give back" to the webpages I visit but the ads are so resource consuming that I cannot manage to browse the web while not having adblock on.
I'll try to turn if off on and see how it works...
Regards0 -
asedt wrote:I recently removed all my previous browser data, maybe it's affecting the ads? Google mastermind: He is browsing Linux sites aha he needs more Asian dating sites adds!
What adds do you see? Are you all blocking it or anyone experience the same shit as me? Do really need these adds?
"Google mastermind:" ?
He's browsing the net? He's male? => needs adds => porn! (= the most profitable ones for Google.)0 -
They be the most profitable, but they also can be filtered by site admins. What's happening here is a problem caused by the filtering app/module. That's being looked into.0
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