Welcome to the Linux Foundation Forum!

Hello, another noob.

My name is Brad M. I have been a Win user since 1995. While I am not a super user, I do all alright. I decided to go over to Linux here a few months ago. I joined the forums here and posted a message, and got 3 responses. I now can't seem to find that message, but I did read those responses at the time. thank you to those users that responded to that message. I picked up a few distros and installed Kubuntu 11.04 on my Toshiba Satellite 505. I have since installed a few applications, and things are going smoothly. I am becoming a Linux "Evangelist", and have got a couple people interested. I am sure that I will have a lot of questions in the future, and I look forward to interacting with you, my fellow users.


  • Posts: 2,177
    Welcome back to the forum and I am glad to see that you have been enjoying your journey.


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