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Wireless Help PLEASE! (ubuntu 11.04)
Posts: 1
in Ubuntu
So i recently converted to a dual boot of Linux and Windows, and i was really digging the interface and feature of Linux Ubuntu. The only reason stopping me from using Ubuntu all the time is the wireless not working! I have a compaq presario v2000 laptop which needs the 'Broadcom 802.11 WLAN driver for the wifi to function.
I've tried various methods of installing the driver to no avail; HELP PLEASE!!
Can you please explain what methods you have used and share the wifi chipset information from your card?0
have you tried connecting to a physical ethernet connection and going to the ubuntu software center then searching for wireless programs n such? Sometimes when your having issues, specially with a new switch, it's nice to find a program that says "I connect your wireless cards to the internet" Oh good thats what I need! lol.
Also, have you done this and completely updated your system? Because I use a dual boot on both my main desktop and laptop but Ubuntu always finds my drivers easier then windows. So I am a bit surprised your having this issue. If you have not connected to a physical ethernet connection and then updated your system yet, that very well could solve your issue for you.0 -
this is what some drawbacks with some Linux distributions. We need internet connection, to activate internet connection at the very first time.
Till now, I faced this with Ubuntu, Mint,SUSE, Fedora, and so on
But, SLACKWARE is outstanding and perfect. It don't need internet connection to activate internet connection.Hmm, am not sure about Arch in this matter.0 -
chekkizhar wrote:this is what some drawbacks with some Linux distributions. We need internet connection, to activate internet connection at the very first time.
Till now, I faced this with Ubuntu, Mint,SUSE, Fedora, and so on
But, SLACKWARE is outstanding and perfect. It don't need internet connection to activate internet connection.Hmm, am not sure about Arch in this matter.
Arch is another distro that relies on an internet based repo.
but to add a slight correction about slackware, if you are using an intel or atheros based adapter it should be detected by nearly all Linux-based distros, but for all Linux-based systems you have to download the broadcom firmware from the internet to get it to work.
This is not much different than windows support, except that the Linux drivers are not available on a disk with the device and most wireless cards are supported as soon as the Linux-based is installed.
I actually ran across some problems trying to get Debian to recognize the intel wifi card in one of my laptops, which slackware recognized and configured automatically.
In general I tell people that they should intentionally try to get a computer with an atheros based wifi card when they are shopping to reduce the stress.0 -
mfillpot wrote:
but to add a slight correction about slackware, if you are using an intel or atheros based adapter it should be detected by nearly all Linux-based distros, but for all Linux-based systems you have to download the broadcom firmware from the internet to get it to work.
But, using "pppsetup" in Slackware, without downloading anyting, I am online.In general I tell people that they should intentionally try to get a computer with an atheros based wifi card when they are shopping to reduce the stress.
Am not sure about other countries. But, In Indian market, its difficult to find, which brand adapter they are using inside.But, Now a days things are started to change slowly.0 -
mfillpot wrote:but to add a slight correction about slackware, if you are using an intel or atheros based adapter it should be detected by nearly all Linux-based distrosbut for all Linux-based systems you have to download the broadcom firmware from the internet to get it to work.0
Broadcom and few other wifi vendors are very proprietary, they attempt to keep their firmware and/or drivers separate and apply their own licensing that conflicts with most distros.
However Broadcom recently joined the Linux Foundation, so I hope their inclusion will spawn less restrictive policies or complete inclusion in the kernel.0 -
ok. I was not aware about these kind of informations. Thanks for explaining to us. And its really happy to hear that, all major products vendors are joining Linux Foundation.0
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