Problem with graphics card's "driver"
Hi, thanks for reading.
I had installed Ubuntu 11.04 with the "Experimental" driver for NVIDIA cards, which right now I'm using.
I tried to change the driver to the NVIDIA's proprietary one, for higher resolution.
The problem that comes up after restarting (to load the new driver) is that my window sizes CAN NOT go beyond the size they were last time, or the window becomes an empty one, just the window, with it's border.
So, to be able to use my system efficiently, I've switched back to the experimental driver (everything is good with it except the resolution).
And oh, as you should have guessed my monitor is CRT (which I believe is better than LCD in theory, and most of LCDs, in action).
I guess the problem is with some config file, which's resolution value doesn't change with driver change, but I don't know which file, if ever my guess is correct.
Can you tell me what's wrong? and how can I fix it? Or I'd better keep using the experimental driver?
Thank you!
You may not want to hear this, but have you tested this problem with a LCD? Also, CRTs are definitely not better then LCDs, aside from the large size and weight, their also a lot worse on your eyes and emit more radiation.
I could be wrong, but sounds to me like your problem is the CRT monitor, your problem is you can't use a higher resolution and go to a size you would like, that is because your monitor wouldn't support it.
Let me know if you prove me wrong on this, but I believe it is your issue.0 -
Richard, as you can see, I haven't said "I can't get the image on monitor", I do get the whole OS on monitor, fully functional.
My current resolution is (1152 x 768: 75Hz), which I want to become (1400 x 1050: 75Hz). I used to use the higher resolution in Ubuntu 10.10, and it worked perfectly. I even used to use higher resolution with higher refresh rate when I used windows.
Now as I've said, I can get for example the chromium window on desktop, but if I resize it and make it's size (either width or height of window) more than 1152 in width or 768 in height, "the window contents" become white, however, still everything does work, mouse icon changes over place of links etc. but I have to make windows smaller than 1152x768 to be able to see it's contents.
And also, CRT monitors support high resolutions, that's the main reason I like them.
Have I adequately explained the problem?0 -
ActiveX wrote:And also, CRT monitors support high resolutions, that's the main reason I like them.
CRT = cathode ray tube
That's the technology used to "print" the images on the screen. Some years ago CRTs could have higher resolutions than LCDs/Plasmas but that's not that way anymore. CRTs used the analog connector VGA which has serious limitations in both data transfers and length...
My point is: forget about the idea that CRTs are superior. A good monitor nowadays is way better than any CRT you can find ( I'm talking about a good LCD/Plasma not a crappy 90€ monitor )
Regards0 -
Try this, if you have another monitor, say another CRT or an LCD then test that on your system and see if you can change resolutions. If you still get the same problem, then the problem is with the driver made for 11.04. Which in that case, you will have to stick to the "experimental" driver.0
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