ubuntuNetwork Authentication guid & samba domai co
Hi I need to know how to set up network Authentication with ubuntu and windows machines. I have one ubuntu 1104 machine as proxy,dns,samba servers. Windows machaines need to be able to have their samba shares come up when the windows user logs on also need this for the other ubuntu boxes to. How do I do this? A gui would be good to would make thing easyer for me. also how do I use samba as a domain controler for the windows boxes? this is a small home/office network. Someone told me to set up a OpenLDAP Server would that work? again how do you do that with a gui for the user and how do i use samba as a domain controler for my ubuntu and windows hosts.
1 ubuntu 1104
1 lubuntu 1104
1 ubuntu 1004
1 windows 7
1 windows xp
severs on ubuntu only
proxy ip
dns ip
samba ip
samba smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN (W)
# Date: 2010/06/13 22:20:03
workgroup = LBERMUDEZ
server string = %h server (Samba, Ubuntu)
map to guest = Bad User
obey pam restrictions = Yes
pam password change = Yes
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *Enter\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *Retype\snew\s*\spassword:* %n\n *password\supdated\ssuccessfully* .
unix password sync = Yes
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
dns proxy = No
usershare allow guests = Yes
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
valid users = lance
write list = lance
path = /home/lance/Music
write list =
guest ok = Yes
comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
create mask = 0700
printable = Yes
browseable = No
browsable = No
comment = Printer Drivers
path = /var/lib/samba/printers
path = /home/lance/500gb/mombackup
read only = No
path = /home/lance/Music
write list =
guest ok = Yes
Samba is used to share directories and printers with windows computers using the smb protocol, not as a domain controller.
You should be able to install webmin on your system to allow you to configure samba and openldap from a web based gui.
OpenLDAP is used to for a directory and user authentication server, you can find a good guide for setup on both operating systems at http://erikberg.com/notes/auth.html . Once openldap is installated you can use webmin to configure both the users and groups in openLDAP, then use webmin to configure the shared drives.0 -
mfillpot wrote:Samba is used to share directories and printers with windows computers using the smb protocol, not as a domain controller.
One clarifications: samba is an implementation of a protocol, therefore you could as well use it in linux networks for sharing folders.
If I recall correctly you do can use samba as a domain controller... check the docs!OpenLDAP is used to for a directory and user authentication server, you can find a good guide for setup on both operating systems at http://erikberg.com/notes/auth.html. Once openldap is installated you can use webmin to configure both the users and groups in openLDAP, then use webmin to configure the shared drives.
If you are to use a web gui....configure everything and then turn it of. Having it on is a security risk.
Regards0 -
Lance is trying to use Samba in the new way, I was reading this post as well as other posts and he's trying to use it as a real domain controller. That's what Samba4 is for (or in their future plans at least): an AD Domain Controller , a file server and a MS Role controller (FSMO roles are planned...). I've tried to use samba as a replacement of a real MS AD domain controller but it's quite hard now to get something working quick. That's why there're questions related to LDAP as well as shares and users/groups.
In my opinion OpenLDAP has better features and more options than original LDAP tree customized from Microsoft but if you're a MS sysadmin you don't care about it, you've an AD tree with a lot of Windows machines and users attached to it, you need to have them working with your new AD samba tree. Fedora 389 directory server project (http://directory.fedoraproject.org/) it's a layer for samba+openldap+... projects and aims to target to enterprise users who wants to replace a real AD domain controller, by the way there's a gap to cover to get something totally transparent if you plan to replace MS technology.
I'm trying to get the same thing with Samba4 but it ain't that easy, there're guides around the net but I've never found a complete solution covering all aspects if this problem (undocumented from Microsoft as well, they tend to cover well their documentation without too much details for alternative solutions)0
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