Question On a Project....
Okay I have myself faced with this. I have a family friend's computer that is giving me issues. If I were to assess it I would say it either has a worm that is creating files to take up space on the HDD or the fragmented files that are shown have no home. Now I tried to run the XP default defrag via computer management. It showed over 50% of the drive was all fragmented files and it said it couldn't fix them. Now I am wondering this- is there a way I could run a live CD and run a program that would just blow all the fragmented files? I will back everything up. I have another way I can fix their computer so I am not really fishing for ideas on what to do, but they're accepted. I just wanna know if there is a live CD with a program to do this. Maybe system restore CD??? Thanks in advance
You can search for live cds with ntfsprogs support, I'm pretty sure there are many0
There are no live tools that I am aware of that can defragment a windows hard drive, once option that you can try it os physically remove the disk and attach it to a new computer where it will load as an extra hard drvie and the actions can be performed.0
I've used BartPE to do hard disk maintenance on Windows machines before and it worked pretty well (but slow). Not a Linux solution but oh well...0
There is one liveCD that you can use for restore grml based on debian. When I read it, it said it is used by admins for sysadminstration and system restore. When you boot with the liveCD, run "fsck" on the drive.
Can you run a virus removal tool to get rid of the worm? I seems you have a virus of some sort. Plus the drive has bad sectors on it. As what mfillpot said, connect the drive to another machine and see if you can defrag it.
Another way, it to clone that drave to a spare it you have one and use that as the primary drive. Use as last resort.0 -
You mean Hiren's BootCD doesn't have the utilities you need? I thought every utility known to man was on Hirens.
Sorry, but, I haven't really used it in a while, but I always keep a recent copy in my kit. It's known to be very useful. While I prefer Open Source solutions like PartedMagic, which I use constantly, take a look at what comes on Hiren's. -
I just want something to fix the bad sectors..
So on Hiren's would HDAT2 be what I want?0 -
Lman wrote:@mfillpot
I just want something to fix the bad sectors..
So on Hiren's would HDAT2 be what I want?
Then again: ntfsprogs0 -
I don't use Windows or claim to know which of the utilities on that disk are right for your purpose. I mention it because it is known to have answers for just about any Windows problem. If you find an app on Hiren's that matches your problem, it is up to you to decide the next step.
Edit: If you just want to fix bad sectors, I would think a low level format using the utility that is specific for your HD manufacturer would be the way to go. I know those are included on Hiren's.0
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