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What to expect from the new fedora?

What to expect from the new fedora?


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  • Posts: 216
    I expect to be impressed by the boot time and discouraged by the big changes instituted w/Gnome 3, but I haven't tried it yet...
  • Posts: 1,114
    I'm running F15 on my trial box. After a month with Gnome 3, I dumped it and reinstalled with KDE 4.6.2. When I started with Linux, I always chose KDE based distros, so switching back was no big deal. We are still in Beta with F15, so, there still are problems, but, the KDE version is running way more stable than Gnome version, and feature wise, KDE 4.6.2 is way more configurable than Gnome 3. When I update my home network in about a month, it will probably be with F15 KDE.
    Systemd is still quirky, but, unless you're doing advanced networking, you're not going to run into any problems.
    Firefox 4 seems stable and I haven't noticed any of the memory leaks that the FF3 versions had.
    NetworkManager still seems to be having problems with VNC but they're working on that.
    Google Chrome is having stability problems with F15, I switched back to Firefox for that reason. Heh, GoogleTalk plugin is working flawlessly on FF4, but not in Chrome (not even on Chrome in F14 or F13).
    There doesn't seem to be any major blocker bugs at the moment, unless you consider Gnome 3 as a blocker bug as I do.
    I've been waiting for the release of a Meego iso/LiveCD, that is having problems, but that doesn't really affect regular F15.

    That's about all I can think of at the moment.
  • Posts: 216
    Goineasy9 wrote:
    I'm running F15 on my trial box. After a month with Gnome 3, I dumped it and reinstalled with KDE 4.6.2. When I started with Linux, I always chose KDE based distros, so switching back was no big deal. We are still in Beta with F15, so, there still are problems, but, the KDE version is running way more stable than Gnome version, and feature wise, KDE 4.6.2 is way more configurable than Gnome 3. When I update my home network in about a month, it will probably be with F15 KDE.
    Systemd is still quirky, but, unless you're doing advanced networking, you're not going to run into any problems.
    Firefox 4 seems stable and I haven't noticed any of the memory leaks that the FF3 versions had.
    NetworkManager still seems to be having problems with VNC but they're working on that.
    Google Chrome is having stability problems with F15, I switched back to Firefox for that reason. Heh, GoogleTalk plugin is working flawlessly on FF4, but not in Chrome (not even on Chrome in F14 or F13).
    There doesn't seem to be any major blocker bugs at the moment, unless you consider Gnome 3 as a blocker bug as I do.
    I've been waiting for the release of a Meego iso/LiveCD, that is having problems, but that doesn't really affect regular F15.

    That's about all I can think of at the moment.
    Speaking of NetworkManager, I typically remove that as soon as I get a new Fedora system up - I really solely on the /etc/init.d/network script (or even the etcnet package). Do you think I could still get away w/doing that? I don't use wireless, if that matters.
  • Posts: 1,114
    There are many users in the forums and mailing lists who use advanced networking that are still complaining about NetworkManager. I see them making changes to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1 (notice with systemd it's now em1, not eth0) to configure their networks to their liking. I would stay with what works for you, unless you want to experiment. My network manager still doesn't display stats for my last wired connection, although the wireless and mobile connections do have stats displayed. Since my wired connections work automatically, this does not concern me.
    On the other hand, on the laptop where I switch network connections from wired to wireless to mobile etc., NetworkManager works like a charm. At least it did under Gnome 2, I haven't updated that laptop yet, so I can't tell you if it works with F15. I'm also going to use KDE 4.6.2 and kNetworkManager, and I've seen complaints separate from Gnome NetworkManager on the fedora-kde irc channel.
    So, once again, my advice is to stay with what works for you. I wouldn't get rid of NetworkManager before trying out however, it always seems to surprise me.
  • Posts: 216
    Oh that's right - i forgot about the whole changing eth to em fun, too. Thanks for the tips, and I'll give NetworkManager another shake whenever I get to installing F15.
  • Posts: 182
    Am using Fedora for a long time. Very happy with that. Great boot time from fc11. I enjoyed with goddard release and I feel that is more stable than laughlin .

    Google voice and video chat plug-ins always gave me a problem. It installed, but did not get integrated.

    I am expecting a solution for this in fc15.

    Chrome is not stable even in MS Vista and Windows 7. Dont have idea to use that.

    Some third party applications like skype etc are all stable in goddard release. Wants the same in fc15.

    And the two more are,

    1. usb_modeswitch kind of things should be with distro itself [fc14 has. not stable. sometimes manually did]
    2. AUDIO PLUGINS are integrated means, that saves some bandwidth


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