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Installing on NTFS ?
Posts: 1
in Installation
Hello good people !
I have not much knowledge in how these different systems work.
The idea of not having to use antivirus, and the hole idea of open source appeals to me.
I would like to install Linux Mint 10 on my old IBM thinkpad R51.
It is running on NTFS win 2000. I would like to only have the Linux system on it.
Friends have told me, that it wont virk because the HD is in NTFS.
What do you say ??
Best regards Palle
If you wanna wipe out the win 2000 installation... you'll have no problem.
The installer will reformat the HD in a different filesystem and your problem will be solved
Regards0 -
And if for some strange reason you would want to keep W2000, the installer can repartition reformat the HD for you. Although you would have to defragment the drive twice (in Windows) before you start.0
You cannot install linux on an NTFS partition. That is fact. You can do what GoinEasy9 and Marc suggested. Still using W2000...ug. Turn your system completely over to linux mint. You will be happy.0
I know that mint is an ubuntu derivative, does anyone know if it has a wubi installer that allows it to be installed along side of windows in a parse file that resides on a ntfs partition?0
saqman2060 wrote:You cannot install linux on an NTFS partition. That is fact.
Technically (with the proper patches to the kernel) you could although it doesn't make much sense0 -
mfillpot wrote:I know that mint is an ubuntu derivative, does anyone know if it has a wubi installer that allows it to be installed along side of windows in a parse file that resides on a ntfs partition?
There is one, but it is not called wubi, it is called mint4win.
http://duncsweb.com/2009/09/27/mint4win-a-wubi-based-installer-of-linux-mint/0 -
saqman2060 wrote:mfillpot wrote:I know that mint is an ubuntu derivative, does anyone know if it has a wubi installer that allows it to be installed along side of windows in a parse file that resides on a ntfs partition?
There is one, but it is not called wubi, it is called mint4win.
Then this may be a better option for the OP, this allows him to install mint within the window partition without risking destroying windows installation.0 -
This should be recommended for all newbies wanting to use mint on their ntfs systems.0
saqman2060 wrote:You cannot install linux on an NTFS partition. That is fact.0
NeptuneTech wrote:saqman2060 wrote:You cannot install linux on an NTFS partition. That is fact.
That is incorrect, wubi sets up a file in the windows NTFS partition which is used as a virtual hard disk, the virtual hard disk then is formatted with a Linux friendly filesystem (one that accepts unix permissions).0
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