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Have been trying to install openoffice. keep getting error message "temporary failure to access openoffice repository. please try running getopenoffice again later." Have been trying for several days. what other options do i have?:(
What repository are you trying to access? The one from Oracle, or, one of the repos from the particular Linux distribution that you are running? If you are running a Linux distribution, OpenOffice is probably available just by going to the Add/Remove software app in your Administration menu. There is no need to pull it from Oracle. If your using a distro that has switched to the LibreOffice version, you can download that instead, it's the same as OpenOffice.
Since you mention getopenoffice, I may assume your trying to download from Oracle. In that case, you may have to contact Oracle to find out why their repositories are not functioning.
BTW - Yesterday's news said that Oracle is returning OpenOffice to the community. While I don't think they would shut down their servers that fast, that is always a possibility.
If you want to discuss this further, it may help to know what Linux distro you are running and what your repository folder looks like. I can't help you find your repository folder until I know what version of Linux you are running.0 -
You can get it directly from: http://www.openoffice.org/
And you have LibreOffice here: http://www.libreoffice.org/
Is it the getopenoffice in PCLinuxOS that you try to use?0 -
ollerref wrote:Have been trying to install openoffice. keep getting error message "temporary failure to access openoffice repository. please try running getopenoffice again later." Have been trying for several days. what other options do i have?:(
Install from your distribution's repositories0 -
yes it is. we are used to using windows and this is completely greek to us. help please. don't know what a repository is. Is Oracle part of Linux. Sorry, but we are just learning. thank you. can I go to openoffice.org to download? if so, where and how do I do it. have tried this also. please help.0
very new. what and where are they. are there more than one? just learning and don''t know what any terms mean. have used windows forever and want and need to do something more. need to learn. help please.0
Can you write out the procedure that you are using to install openoffice and the error message that the systen gives you? you can copy and paste that infor here.. I am surprised that openoffice is not installed by default on your distro.0
ollerref wrote:yes it is. we are used to using windows and this is completely greek to us. help please. don't know what a repository is. Is Oracle part of Linux. Sorry, but we are just learning. thank you. can I go to openoffice.org to download? if so, where and how do I do it. have tried this also. please help.
A repository is a server where packages for software are placed.
The best way to install/uninstall software on linux is through a package manager (yum,pacman,zypper,apt-get....) which will connect automatically to the repositories...
What linux distribution (distro) are you using? Ubuntu? Fedora? Opensuse? Every distro uses a different package manager
My distro uses pacman and installing Libreoffice (fork of openoffice) is as easy as:pacman -S libreoffice
0 -
don't know. we installed pclinuxos. does is automatically have a distro? sorry, we are really just learning. And terms are also a problem to us. thank you for just helping.0
when we click getoppenoffice icon on desktop here is what it says?
Started out testing, then says: Temporary failure to access the OpenOffice repository Please try running GetOpenOffice aghain a little later.
Don't know where repositories are? Where do we go?0 -
PClinuxOS is a distro. Distro means distribution, every Linux OS is considered a distribution.
The repository that holds openoffice is not linked to your system. There should be an option to do this in your system's menu. We will take a look at this.0 -
Also, can you give us a screen-shot of your system?0
ollerref wrote:when we click getoppenoffice icon on desktop here is what it says?
Started out testing, then says: Temporary failure to access the OpenOffice repository Please try running GetOpenOffice aghain a little later.
Don't know where repositories are? Where do we go?
Don't worry, everybody was a newbie at some point
I'm afraid that won't work any longer as Oracle bought Sun and, therefore, owns Openoffice. They must have changed something that is making your program none functional.
Anyway, there's a solution for everything, right?
I've read in your distro's webpage (pclinuxos) that it uses apt and synaptic. Try looking for Synaptic in the menus and launch it
It should look something like this (this is for Ubuntu but...still, you'll get the idea)
You should look for Openoffice in there!
Regards0 -
If you read this guide about setting up PCLinuxOS :
You can actually quote from part 4 that you can't use Synaptic to install Open Office, probably why they have Get open office in the first place. (I guess they don't have it in the default repository or something).
Is it an old version of PCLinuxOS? or did you take the latest ISO from: http://www.pclinuxos.com ?
If you know how to open a terminal you can run:lsb_release -a
anduname -a
If you post the result here we can see what version you are using.
Maybe it's not working just because it's old?, then you can try with the latest ISO.0 -
I would recommend going to Libre Office (www.libreoffice.org) since Oracle has just released OOo fully into the open source community. Libre Office is the defacto successor to OOo.0
we are using the pclinuxos version. what else do you need?0
I went to Synaptic, same error message. How do I look for other repositories?0
I just installed last week. Should be up to date.0
EDIT: I was checking the PCLinuxOS forums, they have recently moved all repositories see:
so nm:
ollerref wrote:we are using the pclinuxos version. what else do you need?
Please, use the edit feature instead of making 3 post in succession in the same thread.
I already asked you about witch version of PCLinuxOS you are using. (Witch ISO-file) and the output of those terminal commands in my previous post can maybe answer that.
Also I have told you that you have the option to download it directly from there pages. If I understand things right PCLinuxOS uses APT-RPM so you should use the .rpm files (APT is normally used with .deb files, but APT-RPM is for .rpm files).
I will see if I can find a repositories with .rpm files (else you should be able to install the .rpm files with the apt syntax: http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=package-management)
I think this one has .deb files but the apt commands should be the same (but with the .rpm-files)
Edit: the link: http://www.linuxreaders.com/2011/01/17/installing-libreoffice-on-ubuntu-using-repository/
For libre office see:
http://www.pclinuxos.com/forum/index.php/topic,59009.0.html0 -
how do i do that? what should I see to make a copy to post?0
They have recently moved all repositories see:
It was in feb, but the latest ISO's are from last year (and I don't think they patched them).
You have this solution from the forum:Automated Method (..run the following command):
Code:apt-sources-update.sh -w -s http://distro.ibiblio.org/pclinuxos/synaptic/sources.list
Manual Method:
You will need to download then copy the above file as root to your /etc/apt folder.
1) make sure Synaptic is closed
2) open a terminal (console) in your folder Downloads (where you saved the file sources.list) and copy/paste the following command in the console:
Code:su -c 'cp -f sources.list /etc/apt/'
(provide your root-password when asked)
3) start Synaptic, and update your system.0 -
ollerref wrote:very new. what and where are they. are there more than one? just learning and don''t know what any terms mean. have used windows forever and want and need to do more. need to learn. help please.
First tell me which OS are you using?0 -
anand44 wrote:ollerref wrote:very new. what and where are they. are there more than one? just learning and don''t know what any terms mean. have used windows forever and want and need to do more. need to learn. help please.
First tell me which OS are you using?
He already said it: pclinuxos0
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