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need help with amsn!!

Why can't i use my webcam to see one there has windows msn when i have amsn??


  • friTTe
    friTTe Posts: 19
    Have you tried checking out your settings in aMsn?
    What dist have you installed, Ubuntu,Mint?
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    Have you review the page at http://amsn.sourceforge.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Webcam+In+aMSN to try to track down the source of the problem?
  • i have installed the cam and it works... but when try to connect with my girlfriend who has windows msn it won't work... her msn says it's because my version is to old...
  • how can i see what kind of dist it is.. because i can't remember from which side i downloaded it from..
  • friTTe
    friTTe Posts: 19
    when you start your computer you should see a logo that says "Ubuntu 10.10" or something else.
  • it says Mandriva 2010.2..
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    I am seeing that the latest version 0.98.4 is available for mandriva, which I am assuming that you are using. If that is the case then all you can do is wait for the developers of amsn to update the application to use more recent msn protocols. However it may be very difficult for the developers to match the protocols since microsoft is not very keen about sharing information, most likely amsn is using reverse engineering to guess about communication lists which would mean that it will most likely never be right up to par.

    Have you considered trying aol or googletalk for video chat?
  • 5slight
    5slight Posts: 10
    Yeah i agree i have never found a alternative to windows live messenger that works as well as it. Skype also have a linux version maybe give that a try!
  • friTTe
    friTTe Posts: 19
    Yeah that one worked good for me, chatted with both video and voice with a friend who had a Mac and i had Debian i think.


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