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Linux.com IRC

Is there an IRC server/channel for Linux.com. I thought there was at one time, but I seem to have misplaced the info.


  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    We have a channel at irc.linuxfoundation.org #linuxdotcom , but it is mostly inactive, we have it to assist users immediately when necessary
  • vtel57
    vtel57 Posts: 164
    Maybe that's what I remember having set up in Xchat a while ago. I just knew that I had some IRC set up for this place. I just couldn't find any info about it here anywhere. Thanks, Matt. :)

    EDIT: OK. I'm in. It's working. :)
  • saqman2060
    saqman2060 Posts: 777
    Ok, never used a the irc before. How do you get setup?
  • vtel57
    vtel57 Posts: 164

    Just pick a chat client (I use Xchat) and set up your server and channel info (see Matt's post above). That's it. Easy-peasy! :)
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    Istimsak, I will go over connecting to the irc server with you on our next conversation.
  • ben
    ben Posts: 134
    It's pretty empty there, maybe due to my timezone (GMT+1), I'll try to connect in the afternoon/evening, maybe I'll find more US folks there...
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    ben wrote:
    It's pretty empty there, maybe due to my timezone (GMT+1), I'll try to connect in the afternoon/evening, maybe I'll find more US folks there...

    The irc server is used on demand to help individuals with time sensitive information. Generally there is no one in there unless we prompt a discussion to be moved into the irc channel.
  • marc
    marc Posts: 647
    The channel is saddly down :(

    Time for a freenode channel?

  • Goineasy9
    Goineasy9 Posts: 1,114
    I used to log the channel 24/7, but, and I forget when, probably around the time that Linux.com went down, I stopped watching it, and haven't looked at it since.
    Between Fedora and siduction and some of my old tech friends I have 10 IRC channels being logged 24/7 on a dedicated computer. There really is no need to have a dedicated channel unless you are offering 24/7 support. Just logging on to either oftc or freenode, you can create a temporary channel, and use it for whatever hand holding you need to do.

    Actually, if your not using an IRC channel for 24/7 support, using Google Talk or Google Hangout is probably a better way to help someone out, as it's more personal and easier to use.

    OK, I've spent my 2 cents. (It only cost 2 cents to get into this old thread, heh)
  • i m not friendly with irc can u provide some direct links...???
  • marc
    marc Posts: 647
    Well, I went ahead and created the #linuxdotcom channel on irc.freenode.net (not registered)

    I'll probably be there :)

  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    I will start frequenting that channel when I am in my IRC moods.


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