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New wireless Router: Standard: IEEE 802.11n
Posts: 777
in Small Talk
I just upgraded to an 802.11n Belkin Wireless router that has a data rate of 300mbps. It was easy to setup, and has a good web configuration interface. I even have the option of upgrading my router's firmware. I will do this after I backup the previous firmware of course.
Has anyone else upgraded to 802.11n?
I still have found no need to move to 802.11n, 54Mbps is fast enough when your outside connection is much slower unless you plan to transfer many files on your local network.0
The previous router I used, 802.11g, did a good job for the time I used it. After a while, it started to bog down and wireless data transmission began to loss its integrity. I noticed this when websites that usually took less than 5 secs to load took almost a minute. After I deployed the 802.11n standard, things are much better. From the news I have been following, 802.11n standards was to make wireless ethernet networking infrastructures common among home and business establishments. I thought I would look deep into this.0
The lag you were experiencing may be due to a crowded G channel rather than the technology itself.
I recommend getting "wifi analyzer" for you android phone, an checking the channels in use in your area to determine what channel would be best. When I shifted from channel 6 to 1 I experienced a 40% boost in my throughput.
As for moving to an N router, that is a good idea because the hardware on your existing router may have been reaching end-of life, but the shift from G to N is generally not necessary for home users.0 -
I don't think the home user is exempt from using the latest technology. I always wanted to see how well N would function from G to determine if it was worth the upgrade. The technology is there and it has gotten some good reviews. So, if the word is that is offers better functionality, why not use it. It is for everyone, not certain factions.
Yet, for my G router, there were multiple problems with. I knew it was time for a change. And the activity on my network was heavy. Getting the best bang for the buck was well a criteria.
Now, I'm not a big fan of just purchasing new equipment just because it is there. If your equipment get the job done, there is not need to change. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky. I had that router for more than 4 years, so I wasn't surprised when it started giving me attitude. It basically became a zombie.0 -
I'm looking for a 802.11a/b/g/n (no matter what) wireless router with an USB port as well, 802.11n is even too fast for me, what I'm looking for is just a friendly hackable router for attaching some storage, a PC is even too big for a home network cheap nas. I did it in the past with few Linksys and Buffalo APs, what I'm searching now it's just something to replace my current: DSL router, AP, NAS0
Are you looking for a router that is a/b/g/n compatible? If so, you can use 802.11g which is compliant with a and b. There are some routers that have internal storage for NAS. This will be well worth researching. For most of the routers I've seen, they did not have a USB port integrated. You will mostly see them on Modems and cable DSLs.0
I don't mind about a/b/g/n, I just need something hackable with enough CPU power to carry for example a torrent seed, USB (native or with hw mods on the motherboard) it's important for me to attach external storage. Even a low power pc wastes too much energy when compared to a cheap device. In this moment I'm focusing on DSL linksys devices (DGNB2200 for example), it's a .N device with DSL modem builtin and it seems quite hacker friendly for running Linux on it0
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