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The "Show Your Linux Desktop" Thread!

So everyone likes to show off their Linux desktop. Whether it be a well organized Tiling window manager, or the flashiest installment of KDE, or possibly your basic gnome install, we all like to see how people set up their desktop.

So here is a place to put up a screen shot of your desktop. It'd also be nice if you could write a quick note at the bottom of what window manager, distro, and any other information you want to give us.

I'll start


I'm running Arch Linux with Enlightenment DR17 as a Window Manager. The theme is efenniht, and I just have some random gadgets. In the bottom left is pager to switch desktops, and a systray. Then I have iTask-NG launcher in the middle. Then Wireless, battery, cpu freq, and clock in the bottom right. And a simple weather gadget in the top right.


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  • Why did you post this in the forum? You are better off posting this in a group.
  • Because people stay active in forums if they feel a sense of 'community' on the forum. They're much more likely to drop in and leave if they see nothing but a Question and Answer place. Forums stay active when people stick around and that makes them successful. I figured a light hearted show your Desktop thread would be a good way to have some user contribution that wasn't solely based around issues.
  • Posts: 2,177
    This is a duplicate thread, I started a show your desktop thread a long time ago at http://www.linux.com/community/forums?func=view&catid=20&id=196 , I will sticky it so it is easier to see.
  • mfillpot wrote:
    This is a duplicate thread, I started a show your desktop thread a long time ago at http://www.linux.com/community/forums?func=view&catid=20&id=196 , I will sticky it so it is easier to see.

    Cool I'll move my post over. My bad.


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