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Email/PIM Application
Posts: 164
in Applications
I have become a bit disenchanted with Thunderbird/Lightning recently and was wondering if there are any other viable alternatives out there. I am looking specifically for a PIM app, but a decent email app w/ built in PIM would be OK, too.
What do you use?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
It is good to see that you found what you were looking for, I am sorry that I did not respond but I use websites for e-mail instead of a client. I have lost too many e-mail when I decide to reimage my system and forget about the archives.0
You leave your important emails on someone else's server? Ooooh! Not me. That's too much like... GASP! ...cloud computing.0
To me, nothing important is relayed by paper or data. 99% of what goes to me is trash, everything else gets trashed after it is read, I'm not overly concerned about email.0
If it's important to me, hard copy is the ONLY way to store it. I read and delete all my emails, eventually. The important ones get printed out and filed somewhere.0
It has been a while since I have seen a post from you Eric. How are things with you?
I was trying to open up that link to posted through the chrome browser on my windows phone 8.1. The link did not open.
One of the benefits of cloud computing is any-place-accessible-storage. The only real problem is dishonest operators and weak security. Rule of thumb, don't store sensitive data in the cloud. When it comes to backup, the process is much more manageable.
We talk about cloud all day. I am just glad to hear from you again.0 -
Istimsak said: "It has been a while since I have seen a post from you Eric. How are things with you?"
HA! Well, that was Hugenoot who revived this old thread. My last post here was in 2010. I do have email notifications turned on, though... and they still work.
How are things with me? Well, they haven't improved much financially; health is OK, though. That's always a good thing.
You're in my circles at G+, Istimsak. You can always find me there...
Anyway, see you here or there or somewhere!
Happy Holidays, everyone!
~Eric0 -
You are in my G+ circle as well. Though I missed your expertise, as well as Matt's on this forum. Hugenoot must have a gift in reviving things ;-)
0 -
I haven't been spending nearly as much time online or sitting in front of this box and screen on my desk these days. A bit of computer/techie burnout, I guess. I haven't even been writing on any of my blogs. I've actually gone back to reading "dead tree" books for enlightenment and entertainment.
0 -
"get the facts about cloud computing - it is a pipe dream that will be impractical for another decade at the very least."
Firstly, Cloud computing is not a pipe dream, it is real and being heavily deployed. Second, that blog you linked to is not a reputable source. There is no evidence of the writer having any expertise in any field except what they claim in the article.
The writer was not stating that cloud computing was bad, or a delusion, but that this service is not accessible to all, which I do believe.
You don't have to use cloud computing, it is another option of data transmission. Everyone has their reasons for using it. I am just stating mines. I have never been more happier.0 -
Let me be the first to admit to not following protocol. If anyone expresses a subject NOT related to the original title of a thread, please post in the "off topic" section of this forum.0
Hi there, Hugenoot.
I've been pretty scarce around here the past few years. I do still visit from time to time, though.
That link above is just a link to my Profile View on Google G+. You'd have to be a G+ member to be able to see it, though.
I do very minimal cloud computing. I don't trust it. Security sucks. Everything and everyone is getting hacked these days. I would never put important or private/valuable personal data on anyone's servers. I ONLY keep data like that on my own system (encrypted) and backed up on external media and hard copy when possible.
Anyway, off a go...
As per the Moderator's request, if we're to continue this conversation about cloud computing, hacking, security issues currently being experienced on the Internet, then let's start a new topic in the appropriate area of the forum.0 -
I'll be there with you guys. Discussions and debates like this is how we learn.0
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