Getting ready to ditch Linux.
I have been having so many problems with SUSE 10.0 that I am about to install Windows. I bought a lenovo laptop that came preloaded with Linux (so I wouldn't have driver problems) to use in grad school. Specifically I wanted to use Lyx, and wanted to get away from MS-Windows if possible. Most of the problems are with upgrading and installing software.
For instance I can't install Firefox 3 or even Chrone because of unspecified dependencies. I can't get VLC loaded and can't even get the right codecs for my software/hardware to even watch a DVD. And with Linux my printer sorta kinda works for printing but not scanning. I have a Windows XP desktop where I go to get things done.
I was warned that the linux desktop wasn't ready yet and I don't have the time to research every little thing to get it to work. So before I give up on Linux, does anyone have a real solution that let's me utilize the great software out there without the continuous headaches? Is there an easy to use Linux?
Suse 10.0 was released in 2005, do you really think that any of the modern Suse repos are going to be compatible with a version installation that is 6 years old? Does windows 7 based software work on XP?
The reason your having problems installing and upgrading software is because you bought a used computer with software that is six years old on it, and your expecting it to work like a new computer.
What you need to do it update the operating system that is running on that machine, possible reinstall it with a modern version, then you won't be having such a hard time.
If you would like help doing that, we would be more than happy to help you with it, that is, if you tell us what the actual problems are, give us a list of the error messages your encountering, tell us the actual hardware your running it on (Lenovo hasn't sold laptops with Linux pre-installed for quite some time) and stop sounding like someone who came here just to troll the Linux forums, seriously.
There are many Linux distros that can run on an older computer, I have a Thinkpad G41 that can still run modern distros efficently. Once we know what hardware your dealing with, we can make more specific recommendations.0 -
Tom is correct, to run newer software you will need to update your OS. the reason that the currently installed (older) OS cannot install the new applications is because the distro maintainers do not keep the releases current, generally they only pass security updates and not version updates for the base software and libraries.
to update to a newer release of the Os you can either purchase and upgrade/fresh installation of SUSE Linux or install OpenSuse for free.0 -
someone suggested to try Ubuntu before giving up on Linux. I tried it, installed it and now every single problem I ever had in SUSE (including problems from day 1) has been fixed. Totally awesome. I guess Sheldon was right when he said "Ubuntu, the only Linux".0
Please remember that failure to update your OS before the end of the official product support cycle will get you in the same boat. If you plan to continue using ubuntu either update regularly or use an X.04 release because they have a longer support cycle.0
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