Complete crash of kubuntu 10.04
I have a dual boot system using Window 7 and Unbuntu on the same drive with a boot logger. I went to boot to my unbuntu and a error message stated that:
' The configuration defaults for Gnome power manager has not been installed'
It will show the start up scren and my log in password window, but it will not boot to the unbuntu OS / System.
I tried the recovery mode and the actions listed. [ safe mode, and so on, but no results. The bad thing about this is, my windows 7 version is still an evaluations version, only allowing me 2 hours up time, before shutting down. I have a unbuntu ISO disk. Does this have a repair mode? When I run the recovery feature, it loads the information and ask for my password, which I enter the root command [ su ] and the password, I then enter the word ' login and it proceeds to say you have new mail, but I can enter no other command to continue to my system window, and the only other command it accepts is 'reboot'
I need a resolution in a emergency to repair the gnome configuration. All my email and setting in kubuntu are not accessible, especially the draft mail I saved in my thunderbird. There was no advance visual warning of this failure, except a update previously before I booted down to go to my window 7. Both Operating systems share the same drive. I need immediate help.
Could I download a patch or the configuration gnome power setup to a cd from linux?
I was looking for some related questions and solutions to my problem, and I ventured to ubuntu site, and a article with the gnome power manager error message stated to try deleting space. I said, right..I can't even log on, so I when to my master boot and clicked the recover feature, which had a menu listing clear some space. It open up the command screen and allowed me to enter as root, and thank god I remembered some basic commands. I used the apt-get upgrade, cause the other problem before I booted out previously was a update that I believed got hung up during the boot down / restart to my windows setup. I was getting the low disk space message for over a week, and I have vuze and downloaded a movie having about 750 mb's, which was more than what was left available. I booted back up to my linux, and all the video display was normal and the color schemes were normal and the log in was normal. I have a lot of generic pae set ups in my boot log that I need to delete. This was done in my experimental stages. I need to know how to delete these additional programs [ enlightenment, KDE etc. ] I am providing an image of what I am talking about.0
You can remove any unused programs using apt-get or the software center. One that is complete you can use the computer Janitor to remove all unused packages which were the dependencies of the removed apps.0
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