Ok, Heres the deal.
I just started using linux about a week ago (and I havn't had all that much time to really learn it yet)
I am wondering if there is a way to Install an Iso image without burning the image onto a cd first. I had heard that there was a way to "burn" the image on to a flash drive. My problem is that I don't have one large enough to accommodate a DVD iso image. Normally I wouldn't mind burning the image to disk, but as I have not used the laptop that I loaded linux onto in about 5 years...and it was 5 years old at that point, well, the dvd-rom doesn't work anymore, It only has a cd-rw drive.
Well at any rate, if there is anyone who has a solution to my problem (technical problem, not my rambling problem) I would very much appreciate any input you can provide.
It can be possible to run a network based installer to retrieve the necessary files from an ftp, http or nfs server. There are also some options to have the installer files on your internal harddrive and use a usb based installer to trigger the installer to use those files.
I know for a fact that all of those options are available for slackware linux, but other distros may not have the same options. If you can tell use what distro you are using then we may be able to point you in the right direction.0 -
yeah, im using ubuntu 10.040
I use Kubuntu 10.040
Ubuntu and Kubuntu users should read over the Installing without a CD sections of the ubuntu documentation to see what option best fits their capabilities and knowledge level.
In my experiences the ubuntu methods should be easier than with other distros, but in my opinion they open the process up to too many potential issues.
Can someone with experience installing from flash drives or netboot give these guys some additional guidance?0 -
ok, I understand that part. I already have Ubuntu installed. what i'm trying to do is to install a different program on to that computer. its a game. but my dvd drive isnt working and the iso image is abour 2 gigs.
I have tried mounting the file on the drive but ubuntu won't read the files as executable.0 -
I don't really understand why you would need a cd to install an application in ubuntu since everything is available via apt-get.
Have you attempted to mount the iso via "mount -o loop blah.iso /media/isofile"?0 -
Yeah. I have reached the undeniable conclusion that I suck at this. When I try to mount the file via the previous post, all I get is "mount: only root can do that." I'm a little confused. If i'm the only profile on the system, and I have the password to make all of the changes, shouldn't that make me the root?0
One of the reasons why Linux based systems are known for their security is because on user-friendly distros like Ubuntu the root account is locked, it is not possible to log into the administrator account. Instead the first user and other approved users can use the sudo command prior to administrative tasks to run the commands as root.
In your case you will need to issues the command "sudo mount -o loop blah.iso /media/isofile", just make sure that you have a en empty directory present to mount the iso to.0 -
I installed slackware from an iso file a while ago.
I posted the notes on how you can do this (link below).
All you need is:
1. a few available partitions (one for storing the files from the iso,
one for the installation, ...)
2. some kind of boot loader (I used grub) -
what i'm trying to do is to install a different program on to that computer. its a game. (...)
I have tried mounting the file on the drive but ubuntu won't read the files as executable.
In that case, it's because the .exe files on the DVD image are executables compiled for Windows, not Linux. Some Windows programs may be run through a Windows emulation layer called Wine; check the Wine Application Database to find out whether or not your game will work in Wine, and any tips you might need to get it working.0 -
You can install Vmware on your LINUX O.S and on it any image or cd can be run its a very easy process0 -
Unetbootin - FTW!
This will put a bootable iso onto a flash drive. Note: It will not work for all versions or distros, and the flash drive is setup like a cd - no updating the image.
If your looking to play with linux - use VirtualBox. You just mount the iso in the virtual machine.0
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