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Please attention! New Linux Bolgenos!

I` am developing new distribution. Operation System based on linux kernel 2.6.28 and Ubuntu. But in future (after 1-2 days) I publish the update to 2.6.33. Bolgenos OS 1.2 include my browser - OgenBrowse (web browser based on source arora).

List programms included in my distribution:

- VLC media player

- Brasero disk burner


- Deluge (I not using transmission, because I think that this torrent client not usable. Well deluge so good!)

- Pidgin :-)

- Abiword (openoffice writer)

- Gnumeric (e-tables, Calc, Excell)


- Qt creator (Qt 4.5.0)

- Geany (Write applications on many programming languages)


So I creating this distribution for Desktops and netbooks. For example: Asus eee pc 2g (small hard drive - 2gb). AFTER INSTALL OS TAKES 1.7 GB! But Bolgenos very well works on Core 2 Quad (and tested on Core i-7). Proprietary drives not include in distribution (GPL).

1 month ago has been locked in competition in the city and took the first place, and on the field for second place. Television company of our city has made a report about the operating system Bolgenos {video removed from YouTube: from moderator}

So have 1 minus OS configs for russian language, but in installation you can change English. If someone not difficult, then please try my Bolgenos.:-)

site: {Site does not exist: from moderator}

direct download: {File does not exist: from moderator} (sorry, but on Source Forge file not publish)


  • c694095
    c694095 Posts: 1
    Popov Antivirus???))) Maybe ClamAV?)
  • PocketSam
    PocketSam Posts: 1
    Pleeease, Moderators! Delete this theme!
    This Popov is crazy! All russian internet users laugh at him, but he doesn't stop. He shames Russian GNU/Linux users and developers!
  • bolgenos
    bolgenos Posts: 1
    Official site of Bolgenos OS

  • Brainsburn
    Brainsburn Posts: 1
    Popov - the shame for russian linux community. He replaced wallpaper in Ubuntu and named it BolgenOS.
  • werehuman
    werehuman Posts: 1
    Again you? Get out of internets and continue doing exercises for your school exams!
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    I am leaving this thread for informational purposes. Even though some may not agree with the project, it is still an opensource project that others may be interested in joining and advancing beyond it's current state.
  • 2garryn
    2garryn Posts: 1
    Yes.. Probably someone will interest. I didn't use bolgenos but read about it.
    It is said that Denis Popov changed GNU copyright from code and he provides public this distribution as own product. But really he only made cosmetic changes. It is GPL violation.
  • Goineasy9
    Goineasy9 Posts: 1,114
    Well, I looked at this thread the other day and was trying to decide what the problem was. Was it a bunch of high school jokers jealous of another Linux user, or is their really a GPL problem going on here. If there really is a GPL problem, how about, stopping the sarcastic comments and putting up proof of such a violation.
    Until someone posts proof of a GPL violation in an adult manner, I agree with mfillpot, this thread will remain.
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    I just checked the links to try to verify the licensing issue and all links are down including the video has been removed from youtube.

    On that basis I am removing all links from the original post.
  • antelle
    antelle Posts: 2
    Here's his sh*t-distro:

    download it, install it and see the replaced copyrights.
    Isn't it enough to see GPL violation?

    Screenshot: http://fastpic.ru/view/5/2010/0602/5111c43115233d7a655fe6a734dcae75.png.html
    See the copyrights on it
  • Alex.Qr
    Alex.Qr Posts: 1
    You just don't understand russian. It is all time on TV: "I have wrote this OS all by my self, starting from Zero" and "All specialist agree with high quality of newly made russian OS of Popov"
  • antelle
    antelle Posts: 2
    The distro has been officially considered as fake.
    Proof link (Russian): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6QT_tCjDao
  • Goineasy9
    Goineasy9 Posts: 1,114
    FYI - More links, seems this really has stirred up a lot of controversy.


    And distrowatch comments are interesting. (Especially #43)


    Edit: I didn't know the youtube link would embed. Something new?


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