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[Resolved] Xerox Phaser 3140_3155 problems
Posts: 2
Hi, I wish to adjust printer Xerox Phaser 3140. The driver from a disk are not established, or are not started or an error, the driver from an official site also are not established. In system of drivers is not present. Operating system Linux Ubuntu 9.10. Please help!!!
I'm assuming that from the official site you mean here:
http://www.support.xerox.com/go/results.asp?Xtype=download&prodID=3140_3155&Xlang=en_ZA&Xcntry=ZAF&prodName=Phaser 3140
But I don't understand what you mean by "not established".
There is pdf documentation available at the link above. Maybe you need to reinstall the drivers using cups.
Or maybe explain how you installed the drivers and what error messages are occurring after the install.0 -
I have bought printer Xerox Phaser 3140. Inside there was a disk with drivers, This drivers are not installed(established).
Then I Has downloaded the driver from an official site, they too did not work. In a management it is written that it is necessary to enter [root@localhost root] #cd/mnt/cdrom/Linux, but then there is an error that the command [root@localhost is not found.
If you know as me to help please write me!:(0 -
you do not need to enter the "root@localhost#" portion of the command because that is just an example of a bash shell. You need to enter the commands after the # symbol.
If you need further assistance I would like to recommend giving us the web address for the drivers and documentation that you are using because I couldn't find the Linux drivers for the specified printer on the xerox website.0 -
Isn't the link I gave in Post #2 working? I could have sworn it led right to the driver. I was hoping the OP would confirm that that was the site he got the driver from.0 -
Goineasy9 wrote:Matt
Isn't the link I gave in Post #2 working? I could have sworn it led right to the driver. I was hoping the OP would confirm that that was the site he got the driver from.
You got it, It looks like I passed right over the link. It is strange that I could not find it on the Xerox website.
The instructions are really simple all the user need to do is run the install.sh from the root account.0 -
To anyone who has this problem,
Matt Fillpot walked me through this. It's not difficult if you know what you're doing (which I didn't). Download the linux driver from Xerox. Then you need to go into <terminal> and change directories to where the 'install.sh' file is stored. Then 'sudo sh install.sh' Then an installer program opens and walks you through everything. The printer works great! It appears the Xerox download possibly puts and extra 'media' folder in. So, watch and make sure you get all the folder correctly.0 -
I am glad that your issue is resolved and that I was able to assist.0
I usually drag and drop the install file onto the terminal, which brings up the exact location of that file immediately, then I press enter, and it starts to install.0
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