How to open a .sn file
Back again! I downloaded a cad program for Linux / Ubuntu 9.10 which has a .sn on the end of it and I believe this is called a binary file and for the life of me I can not open this bugger. Here are the directions I was given:
Please read this guide before you install your MEDUSA software - it includes important
information on the correct installation of the product.
Before you start the installation, please close all applications.
Please note: Windows: For running MEDUSA the Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package is
required (vcredist_x86.exe). If necessary, it will be installed automatically before the
installation of MEDUSA.
For quick and easy installation, obtain your license keyfile prior to installing the
If you intend to copy the program executable medusa_v4_0_0_windows_personal.exe
(Windows) respectively (Linux) onto your hard
disk, please ensure that the path name contains no blank spaces or special
characters (so please do not save it to your desktop), e.g.:
correct path: C:\software\medusa_V4_0_0
wrong path: C:\software\medusa V4.0.0
correct path: /opt/medusa_V4_0_0
wrong path: /opt/medusa V4.0.0
The CSG Installation Wizard will guide you through the setup process. If errors occur during
installation, these are reported in the file log.txt in the installation path.
4 © CAD Schroer GmbH 2009
Systems Requirements
Systems Requirements
Please note: The system requirements for the Personal version differ from the full version.
Therefore ignore the system requirements given in the Release Notes in the
meddoc\doc path.
You will need 580 MB (Windows) respectively 700 MB (Linux) of free disk space, and a
minimum of 512 MB of RAM.
MEDUSA Personal runs on Windows XP (SP2 or 3), Windows Vista or Windows 7.
MEDUSA Personal runs on the following Linux distributions:
Distribution Version
CentOS 5
Fedora 11, 12
RedHat EL 5
SuSE 11 (OSS)
Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10
For running MEDUSA Personal a csh or tcsh shell is required. If there is no csh or tcsh shell
installed, install it, for example, using the following command:
Distribution Command
Fedora yum install tcsh
Ubuntu sudo apt-get install csh
© CAD Schroer GmbH 2009 5
Installing MEDUSA
For the installation you have to be superuser (root). Open a terminal and run the file
Having extracted the installation files, the Installation Wizard will be started, see “Installation
Wizard” on page 7.
I completed all requirements listed and the only thing that seem to work in the terminal was " sudo apt-get install csh '
I basically need to know the command for running this file in the terminal
All apt-get install keeps telling me that " can't find file or directory "
I have even done the apt-cache source as well as ls, so on and so on....
Please, I am totally nieve to most file situations with Linux. So please make your explanations simple as possible and if there is a solution or command, list it so I may copy / paste it in my terminal for accuracy. Thank you
I have my lic # CSG LICENSE FILE
# ################
# CAD Schroer GmbH
# CSGLicenseNumber : PL107021
# Customer Name : John Haskins
# Creation Date : 16.Apr.2010
# Creation User : online
FEATURE med_personal 001d09a01cec 10.4 16-oct-2010 1 Haskins Personal_License 3C9FBD4B041CFE2F1D3B ck=B7CB95:S
An .sh file should open if you just click on it. It'll use whatever the default document editor is, in Ubuntu's case that will probably gedit. If your trying to run the file, just become root then do ./<filename>.sh or sh <filename>.sh0
attempt to open with Gedit:
Attempt in my terminal:
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sh .sn
sh: Can't open .sn
john822@john822-desktop:~$ /opt/medusa_V4_0_0
bash: /opt/medusa_V4_0_0: No such file or directory
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sh .sh /opt/medusa_V4_0_0
sh: Can't open .sh
john822@john822-desktop:~$ command not found
john822@john822-desktop:~$ sudo
usage: sudo [-n] -h | -K | -k | -L | -V | -v
usage: sudo -l[l] [-AnS] [-g groupname|#gid] [-U username] [-u username|#uid]
[-g groupname|#gid] [command]
usage: sudo [-AbEHnPS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u
username|#uid] [-g groupname|#gid] [VAR=value] [-i|-s] [<command>]
usage: sudo -e [-AnS] [-C fd] [-g groupname|#gid] [-p prompt] [-u
username|#uid] file ...
john822@john822-desktop:~$ su
su: Authentication failure
john822@john822-desktop:~$ ./.sh
bash: ./.sh: No such file or directory
I tried numerous combinations. You think the download is corrupted???0 -
I went a little deeper to find out why I have questions on me being root and corrected that problem in users account, and here are the results entering command in my terminal....
john822@john822-desktop:~$ su
Added user root.
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# ./
bash: ./: is a directory
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# sh
sh: Can't open
I am getting closer, but still far away from results.0 -
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# ./ should have been
./ (no space between the slash and the m in medusa.
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# sh <-- that one should have worked.
My guess would be that is a pre-compiled binary, that's why it's not opening up with gedit, or as you speculated, it is somehow corrupted.
My expertise in diagnosing your problem is a bit lacking because I don't download and run my programs this way, I usually settle for what's available in my distro's repositories.0 -
these are the current results:
First I went back into Synaptic manager to search for ' Medusa ' and discovered it was not checked, so I did that, updated and closed.
I open my terminal and did what you requested, and the results were:
john822@john822-desktop:~$ su
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# ./
bash: ./ No such file or directory
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# ./
bash: ./ No such file or directory
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# apt-get install ./
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package .
I also open my Windows 7 OS and downloaded the program, and after installing it, I clicked on the program Icon, and it would not work. Something to the effect about it is not working or broken. I am inclined to take your advice with this program is corrupted or the executable is broken.0 -
I gave it one last try with this command. I think it is time to quit:
john822@john822-desktop:~$ su
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# ./
bash: ./ No such file or directory
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# ./
bash: ./ No such file or directory
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# apt-get install ./
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package .
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822# sh
sh: Can't open
root@john822-desktop:/home/john822#0 -
Just another thought:
1) Is the file your trying to open in your home directory, or is it still in the Download folder? If it is in the Download folder, after logging in as root you may have to execute:
cd /home/john822/Downloads
and then execute:
The error your getting "bash: ./ No such file or directory" and "sh: Can't open" probably means your not in the correct folder when trying to run the file.
BTW - trying to run the file in Windows 7 won't work, it's not a Windows executable. AND ... Are you sure medusa isn't in the Ubuntu repos? Did you try searching with Synaptic? I looked at my Fedora repo and there is a medusa app in my repository.0 -
Wow, when I think about it. The instructions said not to save to ' desktop ' which I did not do. It is in the ' download folder '. jumping ahead, the version in Windows 7 is the version offered for Windows by the software developer. It loaded / installed / opened, but it is not working. problem with the ICon / program launching.
Now that it is in the wrong directory, how do I get it in the right one? Can I copy and paste it where????
My depository in Synaptic showed ' Madusa ' and I installed it with it's related files,but if your therory is correct, that will be redundant, as the initial file is not opening with in the ' Download Folder '. I am talking like I know what I am talking about.
Can you now, with this information figure out what I should do next...John0 -
I kicked myself in the ass and said John, you can do this, so I tried the copy approach. I copied it to my home folder and I click open with another application, but nothing at all looked like it would do the job, so I scratched my head somewhat, and thought back to one small statement in the instructions, and that was , open in " Terminal " and that option was available in the open windows for apts that would open this program, so I selected terminal, and WHAM, things start happening and commands started to run and the installer appeared for the program. It then made me look for the file I had the license key in, " My Documents " which I literally had to build the menu tree step by step. Then it asked me for path to my browser and I believed I discovered that purely by accident. I must have gone through bins and etc's and usr's and so on, still I found Mozilla and the registry entry alpha-numeric display and clicked ok.
I think that all programs which I see that give me this type of Hell in the future, I will send it straight to the terminal, and let it do the foot work......
Thank you for being patient with me and not giving up on me. I have found 99% of my sucess with the crew at
Thank you, John:cheer:
:silly: :woohoo::laugh:
0 -
Glad you got it running, do the Snoopy dance John.0
whoop- pee and away I gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....Thank you again....John0
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