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Aargh.. can't figure this out: for( i in s), index

Following is a script file snippet which is intended to replace a keyword with another string, which contains a numeric (line #) index into a key word file of following form:




It parses all *.htm files in a directory, parses and creates equivalent *.htp files. Parsing and replacement works fine.







# $1 = KeyWordFile

find . \( ! -name . -prune \) -type f -name "*.$INEXT" | while read FILE


awk 'BEGIN{ FS=";"}

FNR==NR{ s[$1]=$2; next }



for( i in s ) {

system("echo hello alldef: " def " i: " i " >>trash.txt")

if( $0 ~ i ){

system("echo hello def: " def " >>trash.txt")

system("echo hello i: " i " >>trash.txt")

system("echo hello s[i]: " s[i] " >>trash.txt")





print $0

}' $1 $FILE > temp

# $FILE is form ./*.htm

outfile=`echo "$FILE" | cut -f2 -d "/" | cut -f1 -d "."`

echo "$outfile"

mv -f temp $outfile.$OUTEXT


echo hello


The problem is that my line counter (def) for the keyfile is out of sync with the keyword (iterator - i) from "for( i in s )"

I get output like:

hello alldef: 0 i: blue_pill

which should be:

hello alldef: 32 i: blue_pill

since blue_pill is on the 32nd line.

does the "for( i in s )" not start iterating at first line, or am I seriously missing something? Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks for looking...



  • gomer
    gomer Posts: 158
    you are printing the contents of the variable "def" which you explicitly set to 0. You should be getting 0 for itteration of the loop, I'm guessing.
  • rossb
    rossb Posts: 2

    for( i in s ) {
    ... dostuff

    Init def to zero previous to loop, increment each loop iteration

    I am seeing that def is a random appearing value mod(max loop iterations=lines) that bears no discernible relationship to the data (i value for file line n) at any particular loop iteration.

    def is NOT constant, it just does not appear to bear any relationship to line #
  • cjcox
    cjcox Posts: 2
    Not sure Bill... but I didn't find your description of what you're trying to do to be clear at all.

    Do you have a file of replacement text that looks like:


    I think that's what you're saying.

    But on replace, you want the string replaced with the line number preceding of the line from the file of keyword/replace pairs?

    Sometimes, you need to look at things from a different perspective... assume the keyword file is called repl.txt, then consider:

    grep -n '.' repl.txt | sed 's,^\([0-9]*\):\([^;]*\);\([^;]*\),s/\\\b\2\\\b/\1 \3/g,' >repl.sed

    The sed script file now contains substitute commands for your keyword replaces, so you could call it like:

    sed -f repl.sed myhtmlfile.html

    I'm hoping that's useful.... but maybe I'm way off.
  • gomer
    gomer Posts: 158
    Bill, you're right. I missed that line. that line is also no good.

    Try this:
    def=$(( $def + 1 ))
  • "you are printing the contents of the variable "def" which you explicitly set to 0. You should be getting 0 for itteration of the loop"

    Would you be more specific or explain on what you really mean.

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