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hi i need help to choos a distro please help me
Posts: 6
i buy a laptop so i need a distro that do 3 things:
1)boot really fast
2)can run full openoffice
3)can play any video or audio files
please help me
1. The boot time for nearly any modern Linux based distribution should exceed that of windows.
2. All distros can run OpenOffice.org
3. This is a picky point, DRM formats are not supported in Linux based systems for legal reasons. But nearly all other formats are supported if you installed the correct codec packages.
I recommend giving Mint a shot first since they include many codecs. http://linuxmint.com/0 -
ok thanx
but forget about openoffice and codecs
i need something that boot really fast
like mandriva instanton0 -
You will have to tell us what really fast is to you.
For an example my Slackware installation boots in ~26 seconds and my Ubuntu 9.10 installation boots in ~18 seconds.
With pretty much any distro you can fine tune the init level options to add and remove steps to adjust the boot speed and operations performed. There have been some groups going around talking about a boot speed of <10 seconds, but be aware that they had to stop sanity checks, filesystem checks, disable all services and create a custom kernels to obtain those speeds.
Or are you just referring to the installation time?0 -
wow i try Xbuntu\ultimateUbuntu\Ubuntu but it all need something like 1min to boot up on my laptop(lenovo g550 2958 k3g)
how to make it faster???please help
i want a linux that can boot up in like 20~25 sec max0 -
I don't really understand how it currently taken 1 minute, unless you have chosen an older file system or too many system services enabled at boot time. Can you tell me what file system you are using and it you have anything like a web server, ftp server or ssh server enabled?0
im use ext4
and i dont know how to chek this server things?0 -
By following applicable steps on the guide I was able to trim the boot time for a default fresh installation of ubuntu 9.10 64-bit on my compaq cq60 laptop (single-core 2.2GHz celeron cpu, 2 Gb of RAM) to 22 seconds from what was 65 seconds. You should get yours a bit faster since you have better hardware.
Checkout the link I gave in the previous post, it will help.0 -
ok thanx alot
but 2 hours ago i install the fedora linux (sory) is this a good idea?
it not boot faster then Ubuntu
there is a guide to speed up fedora 12?
or i need to install Ubuntu back?
again thank you alot0 -
There are guides to speed up every Linux distribution, but fedora may be a bit harder to boost because it is using SELinux which requires a bit more loading on boot. Have you searched the internet for a Fedora optimization guide?0
well ok so
i gona install Ubuntu 64bit and use the guide that you give me (fedora is to mach for me)
thank you very mach you help me alot keep doing what ever you do
(im very sory for my english im still learn the language)0 -
I am glad to help. Feel free to report back with any new issues which you may have.0
I agree. Try either Linux Mint or Ubuntu but most Linux distros have vary fast boot times compared to that of a windows system. All will run OpenOffice and as far as media you can use vlc to handle the most difficult media formats.0
Fast huh? Puppy boots fast, after install, it's also microscopic on a hardrive scale! ^^0
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