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Installation of e16 / DR17 enlightenment Desktop
I think it may have been from the verion of wine that you installed. In future case when you need it install it from the package manager, the one supplied through the package manager has been tested with ubuntu more extensively than the one from wine.org.0
Like Spook would say! the good of the many, outweigh those of the few. I am now back inside Ubuntu, and I am taking it slow but sure. Only the absolute essentials { bread & Water }:laugh: :cheer:0
I'm here again!!! I am totally back up and running with some new twists. I have the standard desktop, Gnome and the dr17 enlightenment. What is troubling in the Dr environment, is the synaptic manger does not function to the point of reloading or allowing packages to be installed. to do this, I must switch to gnome, as the manager works there, but evolution mail does not. It just opens and freezes, then goes dim in colour. I wanted to send you a picture of the DR17 desktop, but it will not allow me to put the screen capture apt in the task bar. I followed your previous instructions on downloading e17 [ DR17 ] and it was the jaunty version as I had before, but certain apts are not responsive like before, such as mail notifier. It displays OK, but the sound is not associated with it any more, and I have it checked. Something else. When I first loaded Ubuntu and got it up and running again, If you have ever seen Windows Vista and W7 default Background picture with the fish, It was the default background scene in Ubuntu. Totally strange as I did install Wine without all the utilities, just it's default notepad feature, which works great. I've come back down to earth sort of speaking, cause I could have lost everything today. There is this other feature that when you first installed enlightenment, that had a menu with all the applications listed. It was the start-up wizard. I know when I first installed e17, I must have checked a thousand of them, but this time I only checked the bare essential ones I needed. There is a warning to not check the box that allows that wizard to start when you exit enlightenment and start it up again. I do not know why not, but I am staying away from being experimental. Windows 7 is working and I only need to get the updated printer drivers from brother and I will be set. I will check back with you later....John0
What you are experiencing with enlightenment DR17 is to be expected, it is still only in a beta stage. The problem I have been having with it are mostly related to gnome base application compatibility which is what you are getting, it effects me less on my Slackware installation because it is KDE based.
you can still use the package manger system when in enlightenment, however without the gui you will need to learn how to manage the synaptic and apt-get applications from the command line which is how you installed e17.0 -
I think I like the ability to learn command line language. I need a list of basic commands though. I will look online in the linux training section. I got the screenshot apt to install by booting down, then back up. now I must get it to stay in the taskbar. the link to tiny pic is at the beginning of this reply. I have not gave up. I like a good challenge. Keeps the brain functioning.:laugh: :unsure:0
that is looking good, you are making noticeable progress.0
Thanks old great one. But all praises go to you for sharing your mystical knowledge. I switch back to the standard gnome. My cd and dvd are now working along with the mail client. I got to find the driver package in enlightenment as I did before. Well, I will speak peace with you tomorrow. I was at this the whole day. poofed out..John:laugh: :blink:0
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