Linux for a Graphic Designer?
hello im new to linux but a friend talks wonders about it (particulary ubuntu)
i want to give a try but i do not know if there are programs fo design (like photoshop, illustrator, indesign etc...) or if they are compatible with mac and windows
also i want to try ubuntu unless there is a better option for a designer
thank for your time:laugh:
There is a program in Linux called GIMP that mirrors Photoshop functionality. It's the best alternative to photoshop there is on linux. Personally I dualboot almost solely to use photoshop because I just can't get the hang of GIMP, but I'm sure I would be good with GIMP if it's where I started.
I've heard that Photoshop CS2 and CS4 will run under Wine in linux, so that may be your best chance.
If you're set on using photoshop, dual boot or use Wine. If you are just trying to get into to photomanipulation or don't mind learning something new GIMP comes pre-installed on Ubuntu and is a great program.0 -
Gimp, Inkscape and Blender are three programs you should look at, all/some are replacements for what you have used.0
open office draw isn't bad, either, for desktop publishing.
the GIMP really does do just about everything photoshop does, and it offers features that photoshop doesn't. The learning curve on the gimp will probably be comparable to that on photo shop, too. Several books have been published about the GIMP, one in particular by APress is pretty good. And there is tons of help out there on the web, too.0 -
thanks to all of you, initialy i have doubts but i will take your advices0
Due to the open nature of Linux software some apps are not quite up to par with the expensive professional graphics apps when it comes to the user iterface, but you can still do pretty much the same things and even run some windows software to get the job done.
In addition to what they stated you can also use imagemagick to manipulate files (even batches of files) quickly from the commmand line for similar modifications. As an example I have a script that I can use to quickly apply the copyright notice on the side of a picture in the negative color compared to the space behind it, apply the copyright to the photo code and potentiall resize of reformat all pictures in a directory. This can be very beneficial if you want to add your watermark of whatever to your entire collection of photos quickly.0 -
One thing to bear in mind is that Photoshop (most versions) works directly in Linux with Wine. I run PS-7, though I understand that CS-2 also works. Don't know about CS-3. Go to the Wine web site for a full list of supported applications: www.winehq.org0
Hi all!
I am a graphic and interior designer and I would like to share my experience using Linux in these areas. I am currently working on an apartment interior design project for a new client, and am at the stage of designing the kitchen.
A tool that helps me a lot in the process of creating a kitchen design - free kitchen design software. This intuitive tool allows me to easily and quickly create different furniture layouts, color schemes and accessories for the kitchen. Thanks to the Kitchen Planner Tool, I can visualize my ideas and share them with clients, which makes the design approval process much easier.
As for working in Linux, I can say that this operating system is excellent for graphic design. There are many excellent programs such as GIMP, Inkscape, Blender, etc., which provide ample opportunities for creativity and professional work.
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I suggest you guys go on YouTube and look for 'JCristina' on there. He has a whole series of videos entitled cutting the chord on Adobe. He is a professional photographer and has been running his business with a version of the Red Hat Distro. He is currently starting a series about cutting the chord on Windows where he will describe the how tos and whereof of the transfer to Linux. That is what got me over here today. I am a relative neub although I have tried Ubuntu and Mint a couple of times.
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