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Installing flash plug ins


Hi everyone I am new to everything Ubuntu and admittedly have limited computer knowledge. mfillpot installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my computer recently and I am still trying to familiarize myself with it.

Anyhow I went to add/remove programs typed in flash plug ins and programs come up in the menu with check marks next to them, however the apply changes button is grayed out.

I also try to view video from various websites and when the bar comes up that I need additional plug ins, when I click install it says no suitable plug ins were found.


  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    The official flash player is listed as "Macromedia flash plugin" under "add/remove applications", you just need to make sure the show drop-down is set to All Available Applications. If that item is checked then flash is installed, but the items you are attempting to view may be something other than flash like shockwave or silverlight. Can you please post the address of the website you are attempting to view so we can see what type of objects those are?
  • mfillpot
    mfillpot Posts: 2,177
    After this is resolved we can go through adding the visual enhancements and making it pretty and productive.


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