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Using my Hard disk

I installed Ubuntu Ultimate and I'm loving it but I just cant use the remaining 70GB of my HDD. And is there a way to increase the size of folders I create? Ubuntu fixes it to 3.3MB


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  • Posts: 2,177
    I am a bit lost about what you mean by fixed folders. There should be not quotas on the folders by default, can you please elaborate and present some examples so we can assist?
  • I try pasting folders into the disk but the system tells me it could not mount the volume. If I create a folder on the desktop, its always 3.3MB and can't be resized. Even the default folders ( Documents, Videos, Pictures etc.) are fixed at 3.3MB. And hey, I do really appreciate your concern and help. ( Wallace is a male name) Happy New Year!
  • Posts: 2,177
    If you have additional partitions that you would like to mount onto existing folders you should read the fstab manual and adjust the fstab file accordingly; you issue with mounting is most likely because you are not trying to mount them as root. as for the directory size the only reason I can think of is that you are running out of disk space, can you please respond wish the output of "sudo fdisk -l", "sudo df -h" and something showing us that the directory size restriction that you are telling us about.
  • Thanks to you all who replied to my thread. I re-installed Ubuntu Ultimate and this time partitioned manually. One partition as 'boot' the other as 'swap' and the remaining as 'root' denoted as / in the partitioning window. All is well now- I can store files in my hdd and create files and folders as I wish. My next problem is gaming. Can I install the games I had when I was on Windows?
  • Posts: 2,177
    Linux based Distros are not windows in another shell, they are a different type of operating system. You can install some of your games using a windows application emulator such as wine, cedega or crossover games, but the not all games are supported and the experience differs per games since those emulators are essentially someone trying to reverse engineer the windows functions.

    You will want to check each emulator's appDb to see if your games are supported and what quality level they are, the websites are below.

  • I think he or she is saying they auto part instead of manual part on install .And now they are running out of disk .


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