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Any good fps for linux out there?
Kyoungman wrote:Urban Terror wouldn't work for me. ( it wouldn't run ) so what good fps are good out there. Not quake. It doesn't run on my laptop. Too laggy.
Are you sure that you are running the correct executable to run UrbanTerror on your system, it contains the following executables:
[ul][li]ioUrTded.exe - Windows executable to launch a server[/li][li]ioUrTded.i386 - 32-bit Linux executable to launch a server[/li][li]ioUrTded.x86_64 - 32-bit Linux executable to launch a server[/li][li]ioUrbanTerror.exe - Windows executable to launch the game as a client[/li][li]ioUrbanTerror.i386 - Linux 32-bit executable to launch the game as a client[/li][li]ioUrbanTerror.x86_64 - Linux 64-bit executable to launch the game as a client[/li][/ul]
If you are sure that you are running the correct executable then you can try to launch it from a terminal and post the output here so we can try to pin down the exact issue.
You can check www.linux-gamers.net for a list of pretty good games including FPS for Linux.0 -
what your graphic card ?
do you have 3d diver installed ?
Open arena runs on p3 600 mhz , 16 bit graphic card. good amount of ram , 192 - 2560 -
This is what i see. one of 2 screenshots.0
After looking at your output it does show that you are running the correct command, however the apps is erroring out because it can not find the shaders.
So I have two questions:
1. (drake's question) Do your have the proprietary drivers installed for your video card?
2. Were did you get the installation file from? (The lack of shaders in the binary files may be the result of a corrupt download or a modified installation)0 -
1. I don't really know. I got this laptop 4 years ago as a gift.
2. I got the download from the urbanterror site. http://www.urbanterror.net/0 -
Ok the site was good and I will assume that the file was not corrupted during download (that could still be an issue).
I will also assume that you are running Ubuntu since your screenshots look like gnome, the question at hand is the video driver you are using. Have you checked the System->Administration->Hardware drivers to see if it has a recommended one or one activated?
Can you please paste the output of the "lspci" command so I can see what video card you have?0 -
well replying to your innitial question their are plenty of good fps out there Quake, Wolfenstein, etc.... but it sounds like your having spec issues so good luck.0
EJFreed22 wrote:well replying to your innitial question their are plenty of good fps out there Quake, Wolfenstein, etc.... but it sounds like your having spec issues so good luck.
Is that Wolfenstein 3D or something newer ?0 -
I currently play Nexuiz but will switch to Xonotic as soon as it is unveiled (it's a fork of Nexuiz).0
I play Urban Terror and Wolfenstein ET. Since the Wolf ET source code has been released I am now looking to checkout projects forking from that source code, so if you find any forks please share them here,0
I play Nexuiz as well and it is FANTASTIC. However, if you are used to console FPS, your in for a big surprise. Nexuiz is EXTREMELY fast. The best thing about it is it's speed & physics (which is why I will NOT be playing Xonotic). A good way to pick up quickly is to join a server (preferably House of CTF) and "spectate" one of the better players for a little while. This will show you the best way to move around and different tricks. Have fun and don't give up.
Also, another game (not free) that has a native Linux version is Eschalon (http://basiliskgames.com/). These are slower Diablo-esque games, but are really good and at a decent price.
Another good option, especially for old-school gamers is any kind of MUD. I play Ansalon (a Dragonlance MUD) and I really enjoy it. Gnome-Mud is a good program to play these and is in the repositories.0 -
I'm going to put in another vote for Urban Terror. It's a good gameplay focused FPS that's just fun to play around with.0
have there been any Amiga fps games other than cytadela to be ported to linux i know the source code for alien breed3d and alien breed3d 2 were released in in March 1997, on the cover CD of Amiga Format magazine issue 95
has anybody done linux ports yet i would even be happy with a windows port if im forced to use wine who cares they were my favorite fps games for Amiga sadly my amiga broke last week and it cant be fixed
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