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How Do You Unzip files?
What's the name of the file your trying to unzip (decompress). There are different ways of decompressing different types of files. A plain .zip file can be manipulated with gzip.
Edit: sometimes right clicking on a folder that's a zip file will give you the opportunity of unzipping it.0 -
Kyoungman wrote:I'm downloading a game and it is a zip file, how do you unzip files. Because from what i'm read you to unzip the file so you can play the game.
The game is : Urban Terror
Please help:blink:
You are running UrbanTerror, that is a favorite of mine, I am actually the one who setup the installer script to play that game in Slackware. Using unzip from the command line works perfectly, but it can also be done from the GUI as Goineasy9 suggested, but the GUI version may take extra time because this is a very large file.
That file is a little outdated, so you may have some issues with outdated dependent libraries, please report back with any issues and I will help you get them resolved.0 -
You are only looking at the files within the archive. You can create a new directory called UrbanTerror and select all files and drag them into the new folder, that will complete the extraction.0
I might make you a tad mad with this question. How do you create a directory? I'm trying to learn the ropes of Linux. I had windows from 1998- till last Thursday, so I'm still getting used to Linux and how it works.
0 -
You can right click in an open directory and choose new directory as you would in windows or from the command line your can use the terminal command "mkdir {new dir name}" as you would have in windows.0
Follow the pics to tell me if this looks right and if so what now0
pics continued0
Then it appears that it has been successfully extracted onto your system. You will have to launch the correct executable based upon your installed kernel architecture type, ioUrbanTerror.i386 is the a 32-bit installation and ioUrbanTerror.x86_64 is the executable for a 64-bit installation. The files that start with ioUrTded are the server setup executables.0
so i just click them and they should start0
Kyoungman wrote:so i just click them and they should start
That is correct, however you may have to change the file permissions on the file(s) you need to make them executable by the chosen user or all users, that can be done by right-clicking on the file and choosing properties and going to the permissions tab. The file permissions are much simpler in Linux/Unix system than in windows, you have three groups owner, group and all users and three permission types to use for each read, write and execute. Let me know if you need additional guidance.0 -
i click the the first one (not the 64 bit one) and all i see is a really quick black flash, and that it nothing
else happens. i just see my desktop0 -
64-bit executables don't run on 32-bit systems and vice versa. The quick flash is a failure for it to launch either because of the wrong architecture or missing dependencies. To get the exact error message you will need to navigate to it and launch it from the command line in a terminal.
Please report back with the resulting error message(s).0
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