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another sound question
I have no sound coming from from my laptop.
I can switch audio drivers by clicking on the volume icon in the lower right and then click volume control.
Which brings up another menu and at the top you can select a driver for that device.
I have tried all of the "playback" ones and nothing works
The one that seemed to be the default is the ATI IXP (Alsa mixer).
I know this worked just a few days ago.
Is there a chance that an update screwed things up?
Any help is appreciated!
12 views and no thoughts?...
what do I do to roll back updates?.
How do I know which updates applied to what device and all?
...I know this just worked a few days ago.
Eric0 -
I am probably most of the views that you have seen, I have been checking on the thread since you posted hoping that someone can answer you.
However since no replies have come in yet I went ahead and booted Ubuntu to attempt to assist you with your issue.
To view the package installation history you can open /var/lib/dpkg/info in the file browser, then view it in detailed view and sort by modified date, this will show you the order and dates that the packages were installed.
As for the sound problem, I have been hearing a lot about it, but have not experienced it. One thing you can do is guarantee that in system -> Administration -> users and groups your user privileges include "use audio devices". But most reports are saying that the audio problem is not related to any specific changes but that it is random due to instability in pulseaudio. I have not had any issues so I have not been able to test this, but someone posted a script at http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/1890/fix-ubuntus-broken-sound-server that is reported to fix the problem when it happens.
Please report back telling us if the script works and stating any other information that you may have come across, hopefully together we can find a permanent solution.0 -
I have tried all of what you suggested.
adim...priv...."use audio devices" was NOT checked off but did that to no avail.
ran the script (I think)..right clicked one the desktop, open terminal, paste(d)...didn't change anything
have browsed to the "/var/lib/dpkg/info" folder but don't know what i am looking for.
Also, am looking at the Synaptic package manager....I type in "pulse" for a quick search and there are 51 entries..i wouldn't know what to install, reinstall or uninstall to fix the problem...
Thanks for the help so far!...
Eric0 -
czar960 wrote:sigh...thanks..lol
I have tried all of what you suggested.
adim...priv...."use audio devices" was NOT checked off but did that to no avail.
ran the script (I think)..right clicked one the desktop, open terminal, paste(d)...didn't change anything
have browsed to the "/var/lib/dpkg/info" folder but don't know what i am looking for.
Also, am looking at the Synaptic package manager....I type in "pulse" for a quick search and there are 51 entries..i wouldn't know what to install, reinstall or uninstall to fix the problem...
Thanks for the help so far!...
I am all out of ideas, the only one left is to revert to Ubuntu 9.04 since the rash of issues are all with 9.10.0 -
how do I know what version of Ubunto i have?
sorry, I am just used to windows and some of this does not translate.
thanks!...Happy Thanksgiving!
E0 -
The sound problems and some video problems are being reporting in quantities right now, so I guessed that you are running 9.10
Unfortunately this is the first time that I am thinking negatively of a distro release, but at this point I would consider Ubuntu 9.10 the vista of ubuntu's life, the bugs should have been expected since they decided to force so many changes in a single release. But as people did with vista, roll back to the last stable version until the bugs are worked out.
I am quite surprised that the only problem I have had with Ubuntu 9.10 is that it keeps trying to force me to install grub2.
I am quite interested in your course from this point, please keep me posted as I have enjoyed trying to help with this irregular issue.0 -
Open up a terminal app (Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal)
use the following command: lsb_release -a
that should do it. Ignore the first line, but the
rest should be the version and name of the distro.
Happy Thanksgiving, Eric
Nanouk0 -
Hi Nanouk,
below is what I got when I ran the script you gave me.
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description: Linux Mint 7 Gloria - x64 Edition
Release: 7
Codename: Gloria
I wanted to try the x64 version of this release because my pc is set up for it.
AMD Turion64 processor.
Maybe you can recommend a good version to try.
There seem to be so many and i don't know what many of them are geared towards.
I am more of a pc user and not interested in programming.
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